On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 1:49 AM, Kiran Kumar <mkir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Vishal,
> >      Here is my personal take on it as far as "bring python closer to
> > corporate guys"  I do not want to change the whole world to use my
> favorite
> > programming language instead I will find one who uses it and work for
> them
> > *If I really wanted* to develop only in that X language.
> I don't want anyone to 'use my favourite language' but I'd like to
> work with people who have solid reasons for not using it.
> One of the reasons large outfits don't use 'fringe' languages (like
> say Haskell or Lisp) is that it's hard to find good pogrammers who are
> proficient at it. Python and Ruby used to be elements of that fringe
> but I'm inclined to think that they're moving into the mainstream now.
   -Sure but you can convince the people who work with you even if they dont
know why . As far as mainstream ( from the point of paying my bills ) you
can add PHP and perl to the list .

> Suits are scared of their programmers leaving them at a critical stage
> and being unable to find replacements. Productivity and 'cool
> language' be damned. I need to get the job done and deliver something
> even if it's crappy code because that's what generates the bottom
> line. Engineers think differently "WTF! I can do this in 10 lines of
> Python and it'll have a web interface for free. Why am I even
> considering using this stone age language?!?!?!"

> - I agree that getting the job done is the most important part and lots of
> programmers miss that . I used to think like this a few years back but now I
> don't differentiate between suits and programmers , I have seen my share of
> bad bosses and bad decisions but I have also seen that lots of programmers
> do not communicate their views  or do not try to understand (or find out)
> why some decisions are taken.

> For successfully infiltrating the corporate market, you need to have
> enough public adherents, trainings, certifications of the language.
> Suits can't really understand the more subtle aspects of programmer
> merit. They need tangible things like certificates and articles in
> business magazines about how language X is the way of the future.
- I have absolutely no Idea about this  :-)

> So, if you want Python to get there, there's a planned conference
> *wink* *wink* that you might want to help out with. :)
> For more details, visit http://wiki.python.org/moin/ProposalForPyConIndia

 - Frankly speaking I don't use python right now  so I don't care if Python
or XYZ gets there or any where  (I only care for the job that pays my bill
) .
 That being said I appreciate the spirit of open source and enthusiasm of
the conference and If I am in India at that time I will definitely be there
. As far as help you can put down $100 USD from my side .


> --
> ~noufal
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