> TG is nice. I have used it for a couple of apps but there's a lot of
> magic under the hood which which causes frustration proportional to
> the size of the project.
My experience with TurboGears 1.0.6 today is quite smooth. Of course, we were
having some hurdles before a year or so, but now the stability and the
documentation of the project seems quite good, although I can't give a
comparative view, as I have not used other frameworks much.
> SQLAlchemy is a redeeming feature. From reviews on the net, it *does*
> seem to be the ORM of choice when using Python.
> Some of it's other components are not as hot though (although they
> have replacements). Kid is the first thing that comes to mind.
Genshi is taking over Kid as SQLAlchemy is taking over SQLObject. Today,
anybody developing a serious application on TG would prefer TurboGears +
SQLAlchemy + Genshi. In the coming version 1.1, these are the defaults. For a
longer project, one could consider TurboGears 2.0, which is built over Pylons
and promises a lot.
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