David Elsen wrote:
Hi Venkata,
I could do this.
Import my first file as module and then using all my methods <modulename>.<methodname> format, but I would like to include my <modulename> file and want to use just as <methodname> not as <modulename>.<methodname>.
Hope I am clear.

On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 5:45 AM, venkata subramanian <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi Deepak,
     You can do this.
     It is using the keyword called import.

     The basic syntax is
    import <your_module_name_here>

     example: import RegDesc

     then, you can do RegDesc.foo(bar)

     My friend had the same problem. He read the tutorial till
     one point and missed the part where they talk about modules
     and packages. So, go ahead and make sure you covered those topics.

     Like other languages, your module should be in a 'path' called
     you can do import sys and then type sys.path to know the path.

     All the modules in your current directory can be imported (well,
     without going into the nittie gritties of it).

    On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 8:03 AM, Deepak Patel
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I am new to Python and need some help.
    > Can someone please tell me whether I can use the Python Module
    like include
    > file?
    > Is there a way to use the "include" file in Python?
    > If I try to include a file with "# include", that line is treated as
    > comment.
    > What is the directive to include the include file in Python?
    > I have created a Python prgram, say RegDesc.py for my registers
    > definitions, for example, called as:class Reg:with all the
    register methods,
    > like ReadReg(), WriteReg() etc.
    > In the same file, I have description of various registers,
    like:ConfigReg =
    > Reg(.....).
    > Now I want to treat my RegDesc.py as include file to my other
    programs and
    > use the Reg class methods in my other programs.
    > How can I do this? Do I need to use module?
    > Thanks,
    > Deepak
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In that case you should do:

from modulename import methodname

or to import all methods at once do:

from modulename import *

This should work.


Abhinav Sarkar

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