sunny_plone wrote:
  hi all,
i am a newbie in python.  i was trying to work with dictionaries.  i wanted
to input values  through command line and store the values in a dictionary.
i mean for the same key , multiple values. can any1 suggest me how can i do
it.....thank you....

i tried this, but the old value is replaced by new one, but i want to store
al values entered by user.
kev = {}
if kev.has_key('Name'):
        print 'name is ', kev['Name']
kev['Name'] = [person_name] print "kevin's name is %s" % kev['Name']

Can we know what your are intending to do?


kev['Name'] will result in a string object and this doesn't have a method append. You should rather try the following to append the person_name to kev['Name']

kev['Name'] = kev['Name']+person_name

But as far as dictionary is considered, key is unique and you can not have same key twice.

With Regards,

Parthan "technofreak"
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