XML-RPC is a simple, lightweight Web services technology that predates SOAP.
In this installment of the Python Web services developer, Mike Olson and
Uche Ogbuji examine the XML-RPC facilities in Python.
XML-RPC is the granddaddy of XML Web services. It is a simple specification
for remote procedure calls (RPC) that uses HTTP as the transport protocol
and an XML vocabulary as the message payload. It has become very popular
because of its simplicity (the full specification is less than ten printed
pages), and most languages now have standard or readily available XML-RPC
implementations. This includes Python, which started bundling xmlrpclib, an
XML-RPC implementation by Fredrik Lundh, in version 2.2. Joe Johnston's IBM
developerWorks article "Using XML-RPC for Web services" (see
covers the basics of XML-RPC in the first three sections. Start there if you
need to review the basic technology. In this article, we will focus on using
the Python implementation. You must have Python 2.2. to run the examples in
this article. Also, in the last article, we looked at the relative
performance of XML-RPC, SOAP, and other distributed programming
technologies. You may want to read that before making major decisions to
deploy XML-RPC.

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:03 PM, Heshan Suriyaarachchi <

> Hi,
>     I have been working with web services for some time now. I have used
> mainly java to do it. When writing a service client in python, does ZSI or
> SOAPpy support WS-Security, WS-Reliable Messaging, WS-Addressing. If so can
> anyone point me to a sample code or an article.
> --
> Regards,
> Heshan Suriyaarachchi
> http://heshans.blogspot.com/
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