* scriptor Trent Mick, explico 

>  Hello all,
>  I'm happy to announce the beta of ActiveState Code:
>       http://code.activestate.com/
>  the eventual replacement of the ASPN Python Cookbook 
>  (http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python) and the other cookbooks 
>  there.
>  Just Python recipes:
>       http://code.activestate.com/recipes/langs/python/
>  What the site offers over the ASPN Cookbooks:
>  * a complete visual refresh (long overdue)
>  * full tagging support of recipes
>  * support for many many more languages (the ASPN Cookbooks were restricted 
>  to Python, PHP, Tcl and XSLT recipes)
>  The Python Cookbook is by far the most popular of the ASPN Cookbooks, so I 
>  wanted to get the Python community's feedback on the new site. What do you 
>  think? What works? What doesn't? I'll try to answer feedback on python-list 
>  or on the site's feedback form:
>       http://code.activestate.com/help/feedback/
>  The new site provides a solid foundation for doing other improvements to the 
>  site. What specific things could the site do to make the Python Cookbook 
>  more useful?
>  WARNING: The new site is currently in **beta**, meaning that 
>  recipes/comments/votes that you add to the new site are **not saved**. The 
>  plan is to fully move to the new site in two weeks. Redirects will preserve 
>  all links to recipes at aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/...
>  Cheers,
>  Trent
>  p.s. The new site is written in Django -- what a pleasant experience that 
>  has been.
>  p.p.s. DNS was *just* turned on for the site so the search functionality 
>  (using Google) won't be working for a day or two.
>  -- 
>  Trent Mick
>  trentm at activestate.com
>  --
>  http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-announce-list
>         Support the Python Software Foundation:
>         http://www.python.org/psf/donations.html

O.R.Senthil Kumaran
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