I think you made a mistake by dividing over the total number of
packages. The percentages shown by dividing the incremental
growth of say Perl by the total growth does not give any indication
of an index. It is like adding apples to oranges.

The more valid index is the relative growth of the package size
w.r.t the previous package size i.e (p2-p1)*100/p1. That is very
simple growth percentage of each language and here it is.

Ruby: 3.5%
PHP: 5.2%
Perl: 9.8%
Python: 35.8%

Interpret the numbers yourself!


On Jan 4, 2008 3:37 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Last year (May 2007) I posted a blog about comparing different package
> repositories (http://baijum81.livejournal.com/20775.html).
> The total number of packages in different repositories was like this:
> 1. Perl (11643) http://cpan.org/
> 2. Python (2392) http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi
> 3. Ruby (1587) http://raa.ruby-lang.org/
> 4. PHP (442) http://pear.php.net/packages.php
> When I read this thread I thought just revisit the repositories.
> Here is the new status:
> 1. Perl (12783) http://cpan.org/
> 2. Python (3249) http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi
> 3. Ruby (1642) http://raa.ruby-lang.org/
> 4. PHP (465) http://pear.php.net/packages.php
> Here is the increment details:
> Disclaimer: I am not a statistical guy :)
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> # May 21st 2007
> perl1 = 11643
> python1 = 2392
> ruby1 = 1587
> php1 = 442
> # Jan 4th 2008
> perl2 = 12783
> python2 = 3249
> ruby2 = 1642
> php2 = 465
> perld = perl2 - perl1
> pythond = python2 - python1
> rubyd = ruby2 - ruby1
> phpd = php2 - php1
> total = perld + pythond + rubyd + phpd
> print "Perl", (perld/float(total))*100
> print "Python", (pythond/float(total))*100
> print "Ruby", (rubyd/float(total))*100
> print "PHP", (phpd/float(total))*100
> # Output:-
> #
> # Perl 54.9397590361
> # Python 41.3012048193
> # Ruby 2.65060240964
> # PHP 1.10843373494
> Again, I am not going to any conclusions ;)
> Regards,
> Baiju M
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