
Thank you for the reply. That is all interesting information. I wasn't
aware of the description or tag functionality. I will look into this.

Robert Gerber

On Sat, Feb 22, 2025 at 12:09 PM Marcin Haba <> wrote:

> On Sat, 22 Feb 2025 at 18:03, Rob Gerber <> wrote:
> > I don't usually use bacularis to edit director or storage resources
> because it strips out all the comments (baculum also does this, IIRC). I
> understand why it does that, since it has to parse the configuration and by
> definition the data after a # sign shouldn't be parsed. Still, this is the
> main thing that prevents me from using bacularis to edit the director and
> storage configuration files. Do you think there is any way to change the
> way bacularis works to at least keep inline comments like this?
> Hello Rob,
> Thanks for your feature request and ideas for comments.
> Yes, I know this stripped comments issue well. The problem here is
> that when Bacularis gets configuration from Bacula, the configuration
> is already without comments. So, this does not happen on the config
> write, but on the config read. To read the Bacula configuration,
> Bacularis uses the Bacula JSON tools (b*json binaries) which so far do
> not support # (hash) comments. Bacula developers know about it, we
> discussed adding the comments support.
> I know a few workarounds to not lose comments. The first one is using
> the "Description" directive for leaving comments. It is available in
> every Bacula configuration resource and can store quite long texts.
> The second is using tags. They are available both for all Bacula
> configuration resources, for Bacula database resources and Bacularis
> resources (users, roles, hosts ...etc.) as well. These tags can
> contain spaces, colors, the severity and accessibility properties. It
> can be good for shorter comments. You can read about it here:
> Both workarounds do not replace the inline # hash comments, but maybe
> they can be used instead of them.
> Best regards,
> Marcin Haba (gani)
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