Bacula 15.0.2 running on Rocky linux 9.4. I'm setting up a system that I
will eventually deploy for a customer. This system is currently in the
testing phase and nothing on it matters - yet.

I have a set of jobs and resources that write to local file volumes. After
the local backup jobs are finished, lower priority copy jobs run with
'pooluncopiedjobs' to copy the local jobs to backblaze b2 s3 compatible
storage. It mostly seems to work. The trouble is that I'm occasionally
seeing errors like this:

20-Feb 15:56 td-bacula-sd JobId 47: Error: B2-TGU-Inc-0019/part.4
state=error   retry=1/10 size=5.368 GB duration=1435s msg= S3_put_object
ServiceUnavailable ERR=Service temporarily unavailable, please try again.
CURL Effective URL:
CURL Effective URL:

Some parts are failing to upload. I verified with ls that the parts in
question still remain on disk (I have set cloud cache to truncate on
upload, so only part1 and parts that haven't uploaded should remain).

In bconsole I ran 'cloud allpools upload' and that seemed to work, albeit
slowly. It's still in process now with the few remaining part files that
didn't upload. Upload speeds seem much slower than when the job was
uploading part files. Maybe some sort of bandwidth limitation is in effect
if the upload command was ran from within bconsole? During the actual copy
job, uploads observed at my pfsense router were in the 400-800mbps range.
Now that the copy jobs have finished and only the bconsole 'cloud allpools
upload' command is running, sustained upload is in the 5-10mbps range, and
I still have a couple 5 gb part files left. I know this system and my
internet connection can do better, so why is the upload ran from the
console going so slowly?

I have continuous pings to and the backblaze node that is taking
these uploads, and the ping tests haven't missed a single packet during the
upload period.

What can I do to improve reliability here? I was considering setting up an
admin job to periodically run 'cloud allpools upload'.

How does one set up an admin job? I've searched the manual and read the
examples, but I'm fuzzy on how it would actually work. I envisioned just
setting the admin job's payload to be a bconsole command, but the examples
in the manual didn't seem to be exactly that. Maybe I'm just confused.

The bigger problem seems to be that I don't know how to monitor whether a
part subsequently uploaded successfully. I am working on deploying Bill A's
job report script, and that's likely going to be my monitoring solution.
Maybe a bad exit status for an admin job tasked with uploading any leftover
part files could send up a flag that something is wrong and a part file
hasn't been uploaded?

I'm using the s3 driver instead of the amazon driver. I read that the new
amazon driver is much better than the s3 driver, but in my testing the
amazon driver didn't seem to want to connect to a non-aws server.

I welcome any advice or assistance.

dir config:
 Job {
   Name = "Backup-akita-job"
   Level = "Incremental"
   Client = "akita-fd"
   Fileset = "Windows-All-Drives-fs"
   Storage = "Synology-Local"
   Pool = "Synology-Local-Inc"
   JobDefs = "Synology-Local"
Job {
  Name = "Copy-Control-job"
  Type = Copy
  Level = Full
  Client = td-bacula-fd
  Schedule = "Copy-End-Of-Day"
  FileSet = "None"
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = None
  Storage = "Synology-Local"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
  Selection Type = PoolUncopiedJobs
  Priority = 20
 JobDefs = "Synology-Local"
Schedule {
  Name = "Biannual-Cycle"
  Run = Level="Full" jan,jul 1st sun at 23:05
  Run = Level="Differential" feb,mar,apr,may,jun,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec
1st sun at 23:05
  Run = Level="Incremental" sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat at 23:05
Schedule {
  Name = "Copy-End-Of-Day"
  Run = Pool="Synology-Local-Full" at 23:50
  Run = Pool="Synology-Local-Diff" at 23:51
  Run = Pool="Synology-Local-Inc" at 23:52
Storage {
  Name = "B2-TGU-Full"
  Description = "B2-TGU-Full"
  SdPort = 9103
  Address = "td-bacula"
  Password = "7D9QQiqfzdG3vkjZ4RclYVtWdfKDTfUrruHi2ULTcx9B"
  Device = "B2-TGU-Full"
  MediaType = "B2-TGU-Full"
  Autochanger = "B2-TGU-Full"
  MaximumConcurrentJobs = 50
Pool { # cloud full pool
  Name = "B2-TGU-Full"
  Description = "B2-TGU-Full"
  PoolType = "Backup"
  LabelFormat = "B2-TGU-Full-"
  LabelType = "Bacula"
  MaximumVolumeJobs = 1
  FileRetention = 18months
  JobRetention = 18months
  VolumeRetention = 18months
  Storage = "B2-TGU-Full"
  CacheRetention = 1minute
FileSet {
  Name = "Windows-All-Drives-fs"
  Include {
    Options {
      Exclude = "yes"
      IgnoreCase= "yes"
      # wilddir = "*:/Windows"
      wildfile = "*:/pagefile.sys"
      wildfile = "*:/hiberfil.sys"
      wildfile = "*:/swapfile.sys"
      # wild = "*:/$Recycle.Bin"
      # wild = "*:/$recycler"
      # wild = "*:/Program Files (x86)"
      # wild = "*:/Program Files"
      # wild = "*:/recycler/"
      # wild = "*:/users/all users/microsoft help/"
      # wild = "*:/users/all users/microsoft/"
      # wild = "*:/i386/"
      # wild = "*:/msocache/"
    Options {
      IgnoreCase= "yes"
      Signature = "SHA512"
      OneFS = "no"
      DriveType = fixed, removable
      verify = pins3
    File = /
JobDefs {
  Name = "Synology-Local"
  Type = "Backup"
  Level = "Incremental"
  Messages = "Standard"
  AllowDuplicateJobs = no # We don't want duplicate jobs. What action
is taken is determined by the variables below.
  # See flowchart Figure 23.2 in Bacula 15.x Main manual, probably
page 245 in the PDF.
  CancelLowerLevelDuplicates = yes # If a lower level job (example:
inc) is running or queued and a higher level job (Example: diff or
full) is added to the queue, then the lower level job will be
  CancelQueuedDuplicates = yes # This will cancel any queued duplicate jobs.
  Pool = "Synology-Local-Inc"
  FullBackupPool = "Synology-Local-Full"
  IncrementalBackupPool = "Synology-Local-Inc"
  DifferentialBackupPool = "Synology-Local-Diff"
  Client = "td-bacula-fd"
  Fileset = "Windows-All-Drives-fs"
  Schedule = "Biannual-Cycle"
  WriteBootstrap = "/mnt/synology/bacula/BSR/%n.bsr"
  MaxFullInterval = 180days
  MaxDiffInterval = 90days
  SpoolAttributes = yes
  Priority = 10
  ReRunFailedLevels = yes # (if previous full or diff failed, current
job will be upgraded to match failed job's level). a failed job is
defined as one that has not terminated normally, which includes any
running job of the same name. Cannot allow duplicate queued jobs.
  RescheduleOnError = no
  Accurate = yes

sd config:
Device {
  Name = "B2-TGU-Full-001" # there are 5 more like this one
  Description = "B2-TGU-Full"
  MediaType = "B2-TGU-Full"
  DeviceType = "Cloud"
  ArchiveDevice = "/mnt/synology/bacula/B2-TGU-Full"
  RemovableMedia = no
  RandomAccess = yes
  AutomaticMount = yes
  LabelMedia = yes
  Autochanger = yes
  ReadOnly = no
  MaximumFileSize = 5368709120
  MaximumConcurrentJobs = 1
  DriveIndex = 0
  MaximumPartSize = 5368709120
  Cloud = "B2-TGU-Full"
Autochanger {
  Name = "B2-TGU-Full"
  Device = "B2-TGU-Full-001"
  Device = "B2-TGU-Full-002"
  Device = "B2-TGU-Full-003"
  Device = "B2-TGU-Full-004"
  Device = "B2-TGU-Full-005"
  Device = "B2-TGU-Full-006"
  ChangerDevice = "/dev/null"
  ChangerCommand = "/dev/null"
Cloud {
  Name = "B2-TGU-Full"
  Driver = "S3"
  HostName = "s3.us-east-005.backblazeb2.com"
  BucketName = "Craeon-TGU-Full"
  AccessKey = "REDACTED"
  SecretKey = "REDACTED"
  Protocol = "HTTPS"
  UriStyle = "VirtualHost"
  TruncateCache = "AfterUpload"
  Upload = "EachPart"

Robert Gerber
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