Hi Marco,

> I start all virtual full on sunday morning, at the same time. dummy
> autochanger have 3 devices.
> First job start and consume a device to read.
> Second job start consume a device to read.
> Third job start consume the last device to read.
> Device finished. No free device to write. And all stall. ;-(

there are several ways to avoid this.

One is to set "Maximum Concurrent Read Jobs" to less than half the available devices of your autochanger. That would be one in your case.

Another one is to first add more devices as needed on the SD side (keep in mind, disk devices are essentially coming for free, and adding more can be as simple as running a small shell script loop and sed :-) and only then setting the above directive as needed.

And as a side note, timeouts are better than infinite waiting, but you might want to consider message delivery and monitoring as well.

Reserving devices on the SD side using Autoselect=no and explicitly using them by the DIR's job configuration is also possible, but makes things more opaque and harder to maintain in my opinion.

Hope this gets you forward,


Arno Lehmann

IT-Service Lehmann
Sandstr. 6, 49080 Osnabrück

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