Maybe someone else can share some knowledge about how to make an admin job
to delete / recycle volumes in status purged.

Robert Gerber

On Wed, Jan 8, 2025 at 5:27 PM Rob Gerber <> wrote:

> Replies below. :)
> Regards,
> Robert Gerber
> 402-237-8692
> On Wed, Jan 8, 2025 at 4:03 PM Christophe PEREZ via Bacula-users <
>> wrote:
>> Le mercredi 08 janvier 2025 à 14:46 -0600, Rob Gerber a écrit :
>> > Christophe,
>> Hi Rob,
>> Not 2nd AND 5th, but 2nd TO 5th.
>  That makes more sense. I understand now.
>> >  MaximumVolumes="2" can only work if you have only 1 FD. Really, for
>> > this to work the right way you must have MaximumVolumes=X where X =
>> > (total FD x 2).
>> And save all FD in the same pool ?
> I would want to put Full backups in the Full pool, Diff in the diff pool,
> etc. Different pool for different backup type and different retention, but
> not different pools for different FD unless you have a very good reason to
> do it. So, per storage medium, you will have 3 total pools, Full, Diff,
> Inc. You do not want to mix media types in a pool, so if you were backing
> up to cloud, to another SD, or to tape you would want a Full, Diff, and Inc
> pool for each storage medium or device. In my 15.0.2 device, I have local
> backup pools Synology-Local-Full, Synology-Local-Diff, and
> Synology-Local-Inc, and pools B2-Full, B2-Diff, B2-Inc for copying jobs
> from the local pools to the Backblaze B2 cloud service.
>> It seems to me that this will not gain me any space.
>> I am trying to say that for you to use the MaximumVolumes=X idea
> with MaximumVolumeJobs=1, X must be >= the number of volumes you expect to
> use within your retention period. Let us say you have 6 FD,
> MaximumVolumes=6, MaximumVolumeJobs=1, VolumeRetention=40days, and you do 1
> full backup each month. In month 1 there is no problem - bacula does its
> backups and creates 6 volumes. In month 2, Bacula cannot make any volumes
> available without deleting the volumes from last month BEFORE you have done
> any new backups! In my understanding bacula would not violate the retention
> period, so it would be unable to make the new backups. So in this example
> you would want at least MaximumVolumes=12 with MaximumVolumeJobs=1. You
> don't want to run out of volumes before your retention period expires.
> There are other ways to limit bacula's space usage. I'll talk about them.
>> So, with Maximum Volume Jobs = 0, the volume size will continue to
>> grow?
> I don't know what would happen if we set MaximumVolumeJobs=0 , but if we
> comment it out or remove it, yes, the volume will grow forever unless
> restrained in some other way.
> Bacula gives us many ways to restrain volume growth. We can set
> MaximumVolumeUseDuration, MaximumVolumeJobs, MaximumVolumeBytes, etc.
> See the manual for some more discussion of each.
>> So I have to find something else...
>> I thought I had made my life easier like that.
> I think MaximumVolumeJobs is good for your situation. Maybe MaximumVolumes
> is difficult if not set correctly. If you experience unexpected blockages
> where a job cannot run because the pool does not have any more volumes,
> then you can experiment with removing MaximumVolumes and instead relying on
> the VolumeRetention period to remove volumes.
> As a warning if relying on VolumeRetention alone, it is possible that
> bacula will not remove a volume if it does not have to, even if expired.
> Bacula's goal is to keep your volumes available as long as possible, just
> in case you need them. If that becomes a problem, I believe you can
> Schedule a job of Type=Admin and tell it to truncate expired volumes. I
> have not set up such a job, so I am not certain how it is done.
> I think MaximumVolumes could work for you, as long as it is set to be >=
> the number of volumes you will need during your retention period.
> Here is the bacula manual entry all about automatic volume recycling. It
> is very useful.
> One extract from that link above that explains what bacula will do if not
> restrained in some way:
> " A key point mentioned above, that can be a source of frustration, is
> that Bacula will only recycle purged Volumes if there is no other
> appendable Volume available, otherwise, it will always write to an
> appendable Volume before recycling even if there are Volumes marked as
> Purged. This preserves your data as long as possible. So, if you wish to “
> force” Bacula to use a purged Volume, you must first ensure that no other
> Volume in the Pool is marked Append. If necessary, you can manually set a
> volume to Full. The reason for this is that Bacula wants to preserve the
> data on your old Volumes (even though purged from the catalog) as long as
> absolutely possible before overwriting it. There are also a number of
> directives such as Volume Use Duration that will automatically mark a
> volume as Used and thus no longer appendable."
> This behavior is why we must restrain bacula. Your suggestion of
> MaximumVolumeJobs=1 and
> MaximumVolumes=$expectedNumberOfVolumesNeededDuringRetentionPeriod
> accomplishes this, with the warning that you will not be able to make new
> backups if you run out of volumes because you added more FDs but did not
> increase MaximumVolumes, or something like that.
> I have set a very short retention period on my test system, with a job
> scheduled once an hour. I'll examine the behavior I see and report back.
> I have bacula 15.0.2.
>> What linux tool does this ZSTD compression format depend on?
> I don't know what tool it uses. I am also running bacula 15.0.2, on Rocky
> Linux 9. For me, the ZSTD feature just worked. I think bacula made sure the
> correct libraries are present.
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