for three weeks work finally i did it
i use ubuntu 24.04 noble
first thing you go to select download then deb, rmp and osx
packages then go down insert your name and email press submit the page will
refresh and a word with link (here) appear press it and save this link
you will see community binary installation guide download it and open it go
to page 3
5 ubuntu installation with apt
do 5.1 and 5.2 with root user
and 5.3 change access - key with your key from link you save it and bacula
version 15.0.2 and ubuntu version is nobel make file and save it for 5.4 do
this steps
do this command (apt update) then this (apt-get install bacula-postgresql)
wait (configure database for bacula postgrsql) select yes then yes for
localhost then yes with out password if you put password will have error
and that error take one week from me 😅
PostgreSQL automatically make password don't worry you will find it in
/opt/bacula/etc/bacula-dir. conf open it and go to # generic catalog
dbpassword = "****" this is password
back to normal user and do this command
(sudo -u bacula /opt/bacula/bin/bconsole) if everything works will you will
see *
do this command (run jop=BackupCatalog)
then (yes)
then (messages)
then (status dir)
then (quit)
we finish 🙂
now install bacularis v 4.4.0 and need some permission to work will and i
need way to add windows client to make backup and restore if someone have
info finally thanks all you 🌹

في الأحد، ١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٤ ٩:٣١ م D. <> كتب:

> Where is the documentation for manually installing baculum 15.0?  The
> only documentation I found is for the ancient 11.0 repository packages.
> ---
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