On Wed, 20 Nov 2024 at 22:18, Jose Alberto <j.se...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> Debian 12
> Bacularis after updating it to 4.0.0 is too slow.   Also note that if DNS 
> fails, it works even slower.

Hi Jose,

Thanks for your feedback.

Yes, slow or failing DNS can kill every application performance that
uses network and names. I would propose to fix this problem first.

Once it is done and the performance is still slow, you can check on
the page loading (ex. job list page loading) what processes take the
most time. Useful for that can be commands like 'ps' to list system
processes and see what process is pending. Specially important are
child processes from the PHP process (like 'bconsole'). From my
experience in many cases it is just the 'bconsole' process that is
waiting. If it is this case and in bconsole.conf you use in the
Director address a name, for a quick test please change it into IP
address and check if something has changed.

At the end I encourage to visit the optimization chapter in the
Bacularis documentation where are described some techniques to improve
the Bacularis performance:


Please let us know what you find and if it helped.

Best regards,
Marcin Haba (gani)

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