On Thursday, October 17th, 2024 at 04:11, Chris Wilkinson 
<winstonia...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I got your Python script working but only if I include the -C 
> <baculabackupreport.ini> in the command line. Otherwise it complains that 
> email is missing, cannot connect to dB and a few other things. It looks like 
> it's not finding the configuration file that I put in my home directory. With 
> -C it does find it.

> Is there no default for this parameter?

> -Chris Wilkinson

Hello Chris,

Since there are defaults for practically everything (eg: the db name, db user, 
db password, number of hours, days, etc), the only variable required which 
cannot have a default is the email address. This must be set on the command 
line, or as an environment variable, or in a [section] of a config file.

Since the config file is not required, there is no default for it, and it can 
be located anywhere you like. I could think of no "correct" location for a 
default config file since there is Bacula Enterprise and several different 
package maintainers for Bacula Community, each choosing different places for 
"bacula stuff" to reside. :)

Also, you will notice that in the example config file, the [DEFAULT] section is 
basically blank - because everything already has some default setting. If you 
have a different name for your Bacula catalog DB, or you have set a DB user 
other than the default 'bacula', or you have set a password other than the 
default "<no password>", then you can set them in the environment, on the 
command line, or in a specified [section] of a specified config file.

So, if you specify just the -C /path/to/config/file and -S <name of [section] 
in config file>, everything else can be set/overridden in the config file, 
keeping your cron line nice and short/clean. :)

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

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