Hu Mehrdad,

Am 14.10.2024 um 12:16 schrieb Mehrdad R.:
Hi Guys, i am wondering if it is possible to do this ?
I have tried this and it does not seem to work, i set FD to run on
port 9104 and SD on 9105(these are on a windows server), director runs
on 9101 as usual on another machine, behind a firewall

Now, it can connect to the FD and SD on the Win machine and all, no
problem, but when i try a back up on the win machine on a local
storage, it does not work, SD times out waiting on the FD

In general this should work.

However -- running an SD on Windows is probably not very well tested.

So you better start checking if the SD is actually listining on the port and would accept incoming connections from the local system -- i.e., netstat and firewall settings. Netstat exists on Windows, firewall settings I only know the GUI tool which is not diagnostics-friendly, I think. But then, I don't know it really well...

If settings look good, try putty on the windows host to connect to the SD running there. You should get an error indicating clearly if the connection fails, or if the protocol fails.

Is the communication between SD and FD somehow hardcoded and
disregards the ports set in the conf-files??
If not what is not working? BTW, i did test turning the fd and sd back
to the regular ports just to rule out problems with the storage media
and stuff like that, and it worked, so it seems that the problem why
the backup fails is in the ports

Smells like firewall to me, but you'll find out about that.

To get better help, it would be useful if you actually shared the relevant configuration. Which would be the Storage and Client resources from SD and FD on the Windows system, I think.



Sincerely /Mehrdad

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