I just had a cloud backup job fail. It appears that the part.x files in one
cache directory and the corresponding cloud directory for one volume have
been deleted. That is indeed the case when I checked inside. The part.x
files in the cache are missing and the entire volume directory in the cloud
is gone. This results in the job failing because of a file not found error
in both.

I've tried to fix this by deleting the offending volume in the database
with bconsole and running again but the error keeps reappearing. After
deleting the Volume and rerunning, the same volume is added back to the
database and the same error occurs.

*list media pool=usb16tb-cloud-incr
| mediaid | volumename | volstatus | enabled | volbytes | volfiles |
volretention | recycle | slot | inchanger | mediatype | voltype | volparts
| lastwritten | expiresin |
| 6,348 | usb16tb-cloud-incr6341 | Append | 1 | 0 | 0 | 172,800 | 1 | 0 | 0
| Cloud | 0 | 0 | | 0 |

Although the job log shows the Volume to be marked as Error, the above says
that it is Append status.

This has me stuck and hope someone can suggest a way forward.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bacula <winstonia...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024, 12:20
Subject: Bacula: Backup Fatal Error of Client:pi-fd Fileset:docs Incremental
To: <root@localhost>

09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-dir JobId 7953: Start Backup JobId 7953,
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-dir JobId 7953: Created new
Volume="usb16tb-cloud-incr6341", Pool="usb16tb-cloud-incr",
MediaType="Cloud" in catalog.
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-dir JobId 7953: Using Device "B2Bucket" to write.
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-dir JobId 7953: Sending Accurate information to
the FD.
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-sd JobId 7953: Fatal error: cloud_dev.c:1322
Unable to download Volume="usb16tb-cloud-incr6341" label.
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-sd JobId 7953: Fatal error: cloud_dev.c:1322
Unable to download Volume="usb16tb-cloud-incr6341" label.
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-fd JobId 7953: Fatal error: job.c:3473 Bad
response from SD to Append Data command. Wanted 3000 OK data
, got len=25 msg="3903 Error append data:  "
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-sd JobId 7953: Fatal error: cloud_dev.c:1322
Unable to download Volume="usb16tb-cloud-incr6341" label.
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-sd JobId 7953: Warning: label.c:404 Open Cloud
device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache) Volume "usb16tb-cloud-incr6341"
failed: ERR=cloud_dev.c:1433 Could not
ERR=No such file or directory
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-sd JobId 7953: Fatal error: cloud_dev.c:1322
Unable to download Volume="usb16tb-cloud-incr6341" label.
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-sd JobId 7953: Fatal error: cloud_dev.c:1322
Unable to download Volume="usb16tb-cloud-incr6341" label.
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-sd JobId 7953: Fatal error: cloud_dev.c:1322
Unable to download Volume="usb16tb-cloud-incr6341" label.
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-sd JobId 7953: Warning: label.c:404 Open Cloud
device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache) Volume "usb16tb-cloud-incr6341"
failed: ERR=cloud_dev.c:1433 Could not
ERR=No such file or directory
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-sd JobId 7953: Warning: mount.c:216 Open of Cloud
device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache) Volume "usb16tb-cloud-incr6341"
failed: ERR=cloud_dev.c:1433 Could not
ERR=No such file or directory

09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-sd JobId 7953: Marking Volume
"usb16tb-cloud-incr6341" in Error in Catalog.
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-sd JobId 7953: Fatal error: Job 7953 canceled.
09-Oct 12:20 raspberrypi-dir JobId 7953: Error: Bacula raspberrypi-dir
11.0.6 (10Mar22):
  Build OS:               aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu debian 11.3
  JobId:                  7953
  Job:                    pi-cloud-docs.2024-10-09_12.20.39_05
  Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2024-10-09 08:22:34
  Client:                 "pi-fd" 11.0.6 (10Mar22)
  FileSet:                "docs" 2022-09-25 03:15:00
  Pool:                   "usb16tb-cloud-incr" (From Job IncPool override)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Pool resource)
  Storage:                "cloud-sd" (From Command input)
  Scheduled time:         09-Oct-2024 12:20:39
  Start time:             09-Oct-2024 12:20:42
  End time:               09-Oct-2024 12:20:42
  Elapsed time:           1 sec
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       0
  SD Files Written:       0
  FD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Comm Line Compression:  None
  Snapshot/VSS:           no
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               yes
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      563
  Volume Session Time:    1725763550
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    1
  SD Errors:              1
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  Error
  Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

-Chris Wilkinson
Bacula-users mailing list

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