This is all running on TrueNAS, so BSD. The HBA is an LSI 9220-8i. The NIC
is 10Gb, but not relevant here because the data and the tape library are
all on the same system.
The disks are SATA. 32GB RAM, but I don't see the system running out of RAM
while spooling/despooling.
The JBOD enclosures are DS4243s, and I have a 54 disk pool of SATA disks in
raidz2 (six disks per vdev).


On Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 1:09 AM Gary R. Schmidt <>

> On 17/09/2024 08:58, B. Smith wrote:
> > Good evening,
> >
> > I have a ZFS pool as a dedicated Bacula spool. The pool contains six 4TB
> > drives, configured as three mirrors of two striped disks. My tape drive
> > is LTO8. All the data is local to the server. When I despool without
> > simultaneously spooling another job, my despool rate is about 280
> > MB/sec. However, I noticed that when I allow a second job to spool at
> > the same time I despool, the despool rate goes down to as low as 75
> > MB/sec, with the drive stopping relatively frequently to refill the
> cache.
> >
> > I'd like to try to figure out what the bottleneck is in this
> > configuration. I looked at using fio, but I don't want to test random
> > reads and writes... I want to test sequentially reading from one file on
> > the pool while sequentially writing to another. Can anyone suggest a
> > good way of testing this, or maybe point me to some other way of
> > determining the bottleneck? I realize it could be as simple as the disks
> > having poor simultaneous r/w performance, or it could be a limitation
> > with the backplane, HBA, or motherboard. Just trying to drill-down to
> > figure out what, if anything, I can upgrade.
> >
> Which ZFS are you using?  Solaris, BSD, or Linux?
> What's the HBA?  NICs?
> Are the disks SATA (so one-way only) or SAS (two-way)?
> How much physical RAM does the system have?
> I don't see this, but I am running Solaris with SAS disks in a RAIDZ
> pool and 72Gb of RAM.
>         Cheers,
>                 Gary    B-)
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