Hi Guillermo,
Am 10.09.2024 um 10:05 schrieb Guillermo Martin Cabanillas:
I would like to know if anyone is aware of the possibility to perform
VMware snapshot backups using the Bacula Community version.
You would need to communicate with the hypervisor. The community edition
has nothing included to do that. Obviously, you can always come up with
the needed integration using tools you can access via Run Script{}, but
knowing how much work it is too create, test, support and maintain such
thing, I doubt this is going to be a viable way forward.
If backups through the hypervisor are not a suloution, the most
realistic approach is indeed to use the FD inside the VM, and use
whatever tools you have available to get consistent data for backup
purposes -- for Windows, VSS which is used by default will get you far,
for non windows systems, you could try to find and use the hook scripts
the hypervisor systems usually call to prepare VM snapshots.
You will hardly get the consistency "guarantees" that VMware provides,
but you may get something better than just blindly backing up files.
Also, file system snapshots would be something to use.
We are currently using Bacula 11.0.6, but we can update to the latest
version if needed.
I know it's possible with Bacula Enterprise, but maybe there's a way to
do it with the Bacula Community version.
Does anyone know about the pricing for Bacula Enterprise Edition?
I do, but won't tell here.
Just start a conversation using email, the contact form or the chat on
the web site and you'll get in touch with people less shy ;-)
Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann
Sandstr. 6, 49080 Osnabrück
Bacula-users mailing list