On Tue, 23 Jul 2024 at 17:23, Murugavel Rajendiran <
murugavel.rajendi...@chainsys.com> wrote:

> Hi Marcin,
> Thanks for the information,
> Deployment has completed but can't able to add client to run job,
> Kindly give me the instructions method from start to finish in front end.
> Also need to take client backup from server.
> Kindly give me the differentiation between backuppc and our bacukaris.

Hello Murugavel,

You can have a problem with adding any client to Bacula via Bacularis
because the bconsole is not able to connect to the Director. Without
solving this problem it can be hard to go futher with adding clients.

>From your message I understood that you did a deployment and it has been
completed. Could I ask you about providing more details about it? I mean:
what you deployed and how? This could help us to understand what is already
installed and what could be missing.

For the instruction of adding a new Bacula Client there are a couple of
ways of doing it:

1) if you have the Bacula Client installed, you can add it to the Director
using in Bacularis:

[Main menu] => [Page: Clients] => [Button: Add client]

2) if you don't have the Bacula Client installed, you can install it and
then follow on instruction in point 1)

3) if you don't have the Bacula Client installed, you can use the
deployment function in Bacularis that will install remotely Bacularis and
Bacula components. All of them will be ready to use with Bacularis without
additional actions.

For the question about differences between BackupPC and Bacula, I don't
know any this type of comparison.

Best regards,
Marcin Haba (gani)


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