On 7/3/24 7:39 AM, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:

I can't get that migrate job running.


> I have diskbased volumes in Storage "File" and want to migrate them to
> physical tapes in Storage "HP-Autoloader", Pool "Daily"

Hello Stefan,

Something is quite wrong here... :)

And a lot of extra information is missing.

Your status storage shows that it is reading from the "daily" pool, using the tape drive "HP-Ultrium", and it is wanting to write to the "Daily" pool and also use the same tape drive - Of course, it is an impossibility to read and write from one device at the same time. :)

This is clearly not what you described as what you want.

> Running Jobs:
> Writing: Full Backup job VM-vCenter JobId=3498 Volume="CMR933L6"
>       pool="Daily" device="HP-Ultrium" (/dev/nst0)
>       spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
>       Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
>       FDSocket closed
> Reading: Increme
ntal Migrate job migrate-to-tape JobId=3497 Volume=""
>       pool="Daily" device="HP-Ultrium" (/dev/nst0) newbsr=0
>       Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
>       FDSocket closed

Job {
    Name = "migrate-to-tape"
    Type = "Migrate"
    Pool = "File"
    NextPool = "Daily"
    JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
    PurgeMigrationJob = yes
    Enabled = yes
    MaximumSpawnedJobs = 20
    SelectionPattern = "."
    SelectionType = "OldestVolume"

The `SelectionPattern` setting means nothing here since you have specified `SelectionType 
= "OldestVolume"`.  From the docs:
The Selection Pattern, if specified, is not used.

Pool {
    Name = "Daily"
    Description = "daily backups"
    PoolType = "Backup"
    MaximumVolumes = 30
    VolumeRetention = 864000
    VolumeUseDuration = 432000
    Storage = "HP-Autoloader"

OK, this is the destination pool.

We don't see the source pool.

Typically, I set the NextPool in the source pool, but setting it in a Schedule or the Copy/Migration control job is OK too. We will need to see more...

Can you show:

- The 'File" Pool

- The "DefaultJob" JobDefs

In bconsole:

* ll joblog jobid=3497
* ll joblog jobid=3498

It seems to me from what I see so far, that you may have not restarted the SD, or not reloaded the Director after making changes to the settings the Migration Control and Pool and we are somewhere mid-stream between changes.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

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