I`d be pleased to provide more detail, I was trying to keep my answer terse, 
obviously I undershot !?

I commissioned our cloud server, installing our business services and then 
securing with community edition Bacula system backup to an offsite Koofr 
storage backend, via rclone. I also installed and configured Bacularis with 
appropriate Nginx reverse-proxying and production SSL cert install.

I then attempted to install element.io (as a potential Slack replacement for 
our company) and all he** broke loose, the microk8s installer completely 
decimated my NGINX configuration and all services stopped working. The 
element.io "support" team declined to help me recover my system from an 
installer that crashed halfway through, leaving the system in an unstable state.

Thus, I wish to restore the entire bare metal cloud server from a complete 
Bacula backup I took just prior to doing this test install.

After trying and failing to use more low-level manual means, I`m now pivoting 
and trying to adapt an existing Live Ubuntu ISO and install appropriate Bacula 
packages and storage backend linkages using CUBIC. I plan to test the ISO on 
local VirtualBox and ultimately bring it up in a virtual CDROM on my cloud 
server`s ASMB9-iKV. I then want the ISO to come up with all Bacula services 
primed and ready for a full system restore.

I`m not sure what the history was that led up to the removal of the Live ISO 
from the community Bacula builds, but it`s taking a LOT of my time to figure 
out how to do restores on an unstable system. Is there a reason a basic 
universal Bacula recovery ISO isn't being built with each community release ?



On 2024-06-25 2:55 a.m., Davide F. wrote:

> Hi Myles,
> Could you give the context ?
> I do t understand what’s the problem you are trying to solve, why do you want 
> to build an ISO ?
> Best,
> Davide
> On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 03:25 MylesDearBusiness via Bacula-users 
> <bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>> I spent most of today trying to create a custom ISO manually, with no 
>> success. I'm trying to boot locally in my VirtualBox before the main event 
>> in which I'll remotely mount it into my cloud server's IPMI ASMB9-iKVM and 
>> boot it using a virtual CDROM drive.
>> I'm aiming to try CUBIC next to customize a stock live boot ISO.
>> For me, with my level of knowledge, and only ChatGPT as my support resource, 
>> this may take many days or even weeks to achieve.
>> Does anybody have an ISO that I could use as a starting point?
>> I was hoping to have Bacula community edition 13.0.3 or 13.0.4 on this 
>> recovery ISO.
>> Thanks,
>> <Myles>
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