Tbh, i am not too keen on building my own package from source, and none of these packages seem to have anything to do with mysql

i did check the version libmysqlclient which is installed under /usr/lib64/mysql and it is version 20, i probably could install a later version of MySQL hoping for it to install the 21-version that the bacula-mysql rpm seems to need but i am pretty sure this will give me other problems

So i just give up on this and try the postgres database, not a very good choice from my point of view since i am pretty unfamiliar with that DB but well, it's  a test installation

Regards /Mehrdad

On 2024-06-19 12:43, Davide F. wrote:

Then try installing below packages (used on Centos 7, some packages name may have changed for Rocky Linux).
openssh-clients rpm-sign mariadb-devel \
gcc gcc-c++ make autoconf glibc-devel \ ncurses-devel readline-devel 
libstdc++-devel \
zlib-devel openssl-devel libacl-devel bzip2-devel \
openldap-devel libxml2-devel rpmdevtools \
rpmlint postgresql-devel libcurl-devel
I remember the rpm package build process is documented somewhere in Bacula 
documentation but I can't find it.

On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 12:33 PM Mehrdad Ravanbod <mehrdad.ravan...@ampfield.se <mailto:mehrdad.ravan...@ampfield.se>> wrote:

    Installed the mysql-community-devel.x86** and the i686 versions,
    fails again with same error

    But thanks for answering

    Reagrds /Mehrdad

    On 2024-06-19 12:16, Davide F. wrote:

    Not 100% sure, but as far as I remember, you need MySQL devel
    package installed

    Let me know if it helps.


    On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 11:44 Mehrdad Ravanbod
    <mailto:mehrdad.ravan...@ampfield.se>> wrote:

        Hi guys

        Trying to install Bacula 13.0.4 community on a
        computer to test it for our backup needs

        Installation went well, upto and including MySQl5.7, but now
        I am stuck

        Trying:  yum install bacula-mysq fails with message that

        -nothing provides libmysqlclient.so.21 needed by
        bacula-mysql-13.0.4.****.el9.x86_64 from bacula-community

         From what i understand this file is a part of MySQL8, trying
        to install
        the file libmysqlclient.so.21 fails too since it conflicts
        with file
        already installed by MySQL5.7

        I had installed Bacula 13.0.1 earlier without problems but
        this time i
        am stuck and the docmentation is so outdated it is not even funny

        So anyone that has a solution? Or should i just try to
        install an older
        version??( i know 13.0.4 is already an old version but well ....)

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        Ampfield Aktiebolag
        Mehrdad Ravanbod System administrator

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-- ________________________________________________________ Ampfield
    Aktiebolag Mehrdad Ravanbod System administrator

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