Checking simple stuff:

What output for 'lsscsi'?

What output for 'ps aux| grep -i bacula'?

Try removing tape, physically sliding tape protection slider all the way
closed (write protected), then all the way open (not write protected). I
think should maybe be a click each direction?

Take different known blank tape with definitely no useful information on
it, try same mt commands.

Remember that after rewind / writing eof you must relabel the tape. Since
existing tape has same name in bacula catalog (assuming you name with
barcodes), will need to delete old volume with same name to allow
relabeling as that name. BE CERTAIN YOU DELETE CORRECT VOLUME.
Alternatively, can rename as oldname-1. I think it is better to delete old
volume since rewind / writing eof definitely makes recovery of data on that
tape impossible without specialized firmware on tape drive.

Good idea to remove all tapes with important information from the tape
changer prior to doing any destructive operations like mt rewind/ write eof.

Remember, after manually moving tapes around in changer, should update
bacula's knowledge of the tape changer inventory by doing update slots. Be
sure to update slots 1-24 or how ever many you have (0 does not mean "all

I have typically done Volume deletes, labeling, update slots, etc, in
Bacularis / baculum.

Robert Gerber

On Tue, May 7, 2024, 10:42 AM Stefan G. Weichinger <> wrote:

> Am 07.05.24 um 17:04 schrieb Stefan G. Weichinger:
> > Could it be related to something like blocksizes?
> >
> > These tapes were used with Amanda before.
> >
> > trying another tape now
> I really get lost here. Wanted to re-label a tape to start over:
> # systemctl stop  bacula-sd
> # mt -f /dev/st0 rewind
> # mt -f /dev/st0 weof
> /dev/st0: Input/output error
> mt: The tape is write-protected.
> The physical "slider" is set to non-protected.
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