I I notice these two permission errors in my logs. I'm on Ubuntu. What do I
need to do to correct them.
The backups succeed but I guess they are missing info.
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: shell command: run BeforeJob
"/opt/bacula/scripts/make_catalog_backup.pl MyCatalog"
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: BeforeJob: mysqldump: Error: 'Access
denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS privilege(s) for this
operation' when trying to dump tablespaces
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: Start Backup JobId 7661,
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: Connected to Storage "File" at localhost:9103
with TLS
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: Using Device "FileStorage" to write.
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: Connected to Client "orac-fd" at orac:9102
with TLS
05-Mar 23:19 orac-fd JobId 7661: Connected to Storage at localhost:9103 with TLS
05-Mar 23:19 orac-sd JobId 7661: Volume "Vol0010" previously written, moving to
end of data.
05-Mar 23:19 orac-sd JobId 7661: Ready to append to end of Volume "Vol0010"
05-Mar 23:19 orac-sd JobId 7661: Elapsed time=00:00:02, Transfer rate=325.8 M
05-Mar 23:19 orac-sd JobId 7661: Sending spooled attrs to the Director.
Despooling 233 bytes ...
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: Error: Could not open WriteBootstrap file:
/opt/bacula/working/BackupCatalog.bsr: ERR=Permission denied
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: Error: Bacula Enterprise orac-dir
13.0.3 (02May23):
Build OS: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-bacula-enterprise ubuntu 22.04
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