Dear all,

One of my production Postgres databases is growing faster than
anticipated and I'm exploring the use of FIFO files instead of writing the
output of pg_dump to  intermediate files within /tmp structure. Currently
all jobs work fine while using the intermediate files. But when I test with
the FIFO files, data is not pulled from the pipes. All files are properly
located, but ZERO bytes get backed up. The pg_dump tasks are still running
after the backup job completed successfully. Looks like the FIFO files have
not been touched by bacula-fd after the script ended and the
"readfifo=yes" option
has not been honored.

What am I missing?   Is anyone using successfully the FIFO files with
postgres databases able to share some tips?

Many thanks in advance.



Here is the script used in the bacula clients:

# Database Backups to temporary storage
export DUMPDIR=/tmp/bacula_pgdatadump
# make the redirections to null
exec > /dev/null
rm -f -r $DUMPDIR
mkdir $DUMPDIR
mkdir $DUMPDIR/backups
mkdir $DUMPDIR/logs
pg_dumpall  -g -v -f $DUMPDIR/backups/dumpallGlobal.bkp
for dbname in `psql -d template1 -q -t <<EOF
 select datname from pg_database where not datname in ('template0') order
by datname;
  mkfifo $DUMPDIR/backups/$dbname.bkp
  nohup pg_dump -Fc -Z0 -v $dbname -f $DUMPDIR/backups/$dbname.bkp
2>$DUMPDIR/logs/$dbname.log &

# ends output redirection

Here is the relevant section of the bacula-dir.conf file in the server:
Fileset {
  Name = FullSet
  Include {
    File = /etc
    File = /home
    File = /opt
    File = /root
    File = /tmp/bacula_pgdatadump
    File = /usr/local/sbin
    File = /usr/sbin
    File = /usr/share
    File = /var
    ExcludeDirContaining = .baculaexclude
    Options {
      Compression = Gzip9
      Signature = Md5
  Exclude {
    File = /var/cache
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