Hi All,

New to the site and the Bacula community.

I have been trying to run the Bacula 13.0.4 community install for a couple
of days now. Stuck with some library and linking during the "make'
execution. I found this because the director would never start when I ran
./bconsole. I think my make install was never completed properly. Thus got
me here.

I  am using Ubuntu 22.04. I have mysql installed and working just fine. I
shut it down (mysql) during the Bacula installation per the instructions
for 13.0.3.

Here is what I get for a configuration outcome. Then the 'make' to where it
fails on the bacula-dir linking phase of the compile with the source files.
I was just going to use the defaultconfig to start with...then replace it.

If I could get past this ,I think I will be 'golden'. It seems to me that
there is a linking between Bacula-dir and the mysql DB that is not
happening. I tried several things to overcome the issue in the src/cat
directory based on others having previous and similar issues, no luck thus

Welcome to the community's insights.

Frank R.
Madiosn, MS
**************************   Configuration ************************
Configuration on Wed Jan 10 13:01:36 CST 2024:

   Host:                      x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -- Pop 22.04
   Bacula version:            Bacula 13.0.3 (02 May 2023)
   Source code location:      .
   Install binaries:          /home/rogocolo/bacula/bin
   Install libraries:         /usr/lib64
   Install config files:      /home/rogocolo/bacula/bin
   Scripts directory:         /home/rogocolo/bacula/bin
   Archive directory:         /tmp
   Working directory:         /home/rogocolo/bacula/bin/working
   PID directory:             /home/rogocolo/bacula/bin/working
   Subsys directory:          /home/rogocolo/bacula/bin/working
   Man directory:             /usr/share/man
   Data directory:            /usr/share
   Plugin directory:          /usr/lib64
   C Compiler:                gcc 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04)
   C++ Compiler:              /usr/bin/g++ 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04)
   Compiler flags:             -g -Wall -x c++ -fno-strict-aliasing
-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti
   Linker flags:
   Libraries:                 -lpthread
   Statically Linked Tools:   yes
   Statically Linked FD:      no
   Statically Linked SD:      no
   Statically Linked DIR:     no
   Statically Linked CONS:    no
   Database backends:         MySQL
   Database port:
   Database name:             bacula
   Database user:             bacula
   Database SSL options:

   Job Output Email:          root@localhost
   Traceback Email:           root@localhost
   SMTP Host Address:         localhost

   Director Port:             9101
   File daemon Port:          9102
   Storage daemon Port:       9103

   Director User:
   Director Group:
   Storage Daemon User:
   Storage DaemonGroup:
   File Daemon User:
   File Daemon Group:

   Large file support:        yes
   Bacula conio support:      no
   readline support:          no
   TCP Wrappers support:      no
   TLS support:               yes
   Encryption support:        yes
   ZLIB support:              yes
   LZO support:               no
   S3 support:                no
   enable-smartalloc:         yes
   enable-lockmgr:            no
   bat support:               no
   client-only:               no
   build-dird:                yes
   build-stored:              yes
   Plugin support:            no
   LDAP support:              no
   LDAP StartTLS support:     no
   AFS support:               no
   ACL support:               no
   XATTR support:             yes
   GPFS support:              no
   systemd support:           no
   Batch insert enabled:      None

   - Docker:                  no
   - Kubernetes:
   - LDAP BPAM:               no
   - CDP:                     auto
***************************  Make Execution  ********************
/usr/bin/g++   -L../lib -L../cats -L../findlib -o bacula-dir dird.o admin.o
authenticate.o autoprune.o backup.o bsr.o catreq.o dir_plugins.o
dir_authplugin.o dird_conf.o expand.o fd_cmds.o getmsg.o inc_conf.o job.o
jobq.o mac.o mac_sql.o msgchan.o next_vol.o newvol.o recycle.o restore.o
run_conf.o scheduler.o store_mngr.o ua_acl.o ua_cmds.o ua_dotcmds.o
ua_query.o ua_collect.o ua_input.o ua_label.o ua_output.o ua_prune.o
ua_purge.o ua_restore.o ua_run.o ua_select.o ua_server.o snapshot.o
ua_status.o ua_tree.o ua_update.o vbackup.o verify.o org_dird_quota.o -lz \
      -lbacfind -lbacsql -lbaccats -lbaccfg -lbac -lm   -lpthread  \
        -lssl -lcrypto
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
undefined reference to `mysql_query'
undefined reference to `mysql_use_result'
undefined reference to `mysql_fetch_row'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
undefined reference to `mysql_init'
undefined reference to `mysql_ssl_set'
undefined reference to `mysql_real_connect'
undefined reference to `mysql_options'
undefined reference to `mysql_error'
undefined reference to `mysql_sqlstate'
undefined reference to `mysql_errno'
undefined reference to `mysql_get_ssl_cipher'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
undefined reference to `mysql_close'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
undefined reference to `mysql_thread_end'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
`BDB_MYSQL::bdb_escape_string(JCR*, char*, char*, int)':
undefined reference to `mysql_real_escape_string'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
`BDB_MYSQL::bdb_escape_object(JCR*, char*, int)':
undefined reference to `mysql_real_escape_string'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
`BDB_MYSQL::bdb_sql_query(char const*, int (*)(void*, int, char**), void*)':
undefined reference to `mysql_query'
undefined reference to `mysql_errno'
undefined reference to `mysql_use_result'
undefined reference to `mysql_num_fields'
undefined reference to `mysql_fetch_row'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
`BDB_MYSQL::sql_query(char const*, int)':
undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
undefined reference to `mysql_query'
undefined reference to `mysql_store_result'
undefined reference to `mysql_num_fields'
undefined reference to `mysql_num_rows'
undefined reference to `mysql_affected_rows'
undefined reference to `mysql_affected_rows'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
undefined reference to `mysql_fetch_row'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
undefined reference to `mysql_error'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
undefined reference to `mysql_data_seek'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
undefined reference to `mysql_affected_rows'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
`BDB_MYSQL::sql_insert_autokey_record(char const*, char const*)':
undefined reference to `mysql_query'
undefined reference to `mysql_affected_rows'
undefined reference to `mysql_insert_id'
/usr/bin/ld: ../cats/libbaccats.a(mysql.o): in function
undefined reference to `mysql_fetch_field'
/usr/bin/ld: ../lib/libbac.a(binflate.o): in function `Zdeflate(char*, int,
char*, int&)':
undefined reference to `deflateInit_'
undefined reference to `deflateEnd'
undefined reference to `deflate'
undefined reference to `deflateEnd'
/usr/bin/ld: ../lib/libbac.a(binflate.o): in function `Zinflate(char*, int,
char*, int&)':
undefined reference to `inflateInit_'
undefined reference to `inflateEnd'
undefined reference to `inflate'
undefined reference to `inflateEnd'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [Makefile:186: bacula-dir] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
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