Maybe Dropbox or rclone or some combination of the two are limiting you to
1GiB file sizes?

In fact, for your rclone process I see it has a 1GB cache size limit. "
--vfs-cache-max-size 1G" I bet in the case of the dd command you did, we
filled the write cache and then dd exited. If the cache was larger or the
input command was rate limited, we might not have that issue. Maybe if
bacula backups took longer in some cases you wouldn't run into this
problem. Bacula does have a bandwidth rate limit feature, but I'd work on
the cache size or a more graceful failure mode first (like "is cache full?
Make bacula wait a while" - admittedly something I don't know to be

By default, Bacula's file based backup writes to file volumes. Think of it
as being like writing the backed up field and directories to tar or zip
files - the files and directories that are backed up by bacula are stored
in single large archive files, using Bacula's own file format.
Conceptually, Bacula isn't using the tar format, but the bacula file
writers (by default) are using something like a tar file. I think it's done
this way because way back when Kern started developing bacula, the original
destination for the backups was a tape drive. Later hard drives became
cheaper and Kern realized that bacula could also write to "file volumes"
that were stored on a hard drive. This means some customers who couldn't
afford a tape drive but could afford a larger hard drive could use bacula.
Bill recently mentioned that bacula can write backed up files and
directories to some cloud storage solutions directly, so I think the file
volume method isn't used in every case by bacula, but without special
configuration on your part bacula is probably using these file volumes as
described above.

Please do the following, probably as root:
sudo find / |grep -i Vol-0

Also please do
find /mnt/MylesDearDropBox/Backup/bacula/archive/

and please do
df -h

Robert Gerber

On Mon, Dec 4, 2023, 1:58 PM MylesDearBusiness <> wrote:

> Hi, Rob,
> Thanks for the response.
> 1.
> I'm only using 25% of my 2TB Dropbox account, so I don't expect storage
> to be full.
> This particular cloud server is tiny, just a single CPU, 50GB storage,
> 2GB RAM.
> The biggest file I managed to write successfully to my rclone/Dropbox
> mount is 1GB:
> When I tried to write a bigger file, I got an "out of memory" error, in
> hindsight I suppose this was to be expected.
> I'm trying to keep costs down by renting only a very small cloud machine
> until such time I need the capacity increase.
> root@c1:~# dd if=/dev/urandom
> of=/mnt/MylesDearDropBox/Backup/someuniquefilename.img bs=1G count=1
> 1+0 records in
> 1+0 records out
> 1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 9.12953 s, 118 MB/s
> root@c1:~# ls -l /mnt/MylesDearDropBox/Backup/someuniquefilename.img
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1073741824 Dec  4 19:31
> /mnt/MylesDearDropBox/Backup/someuniquefilename.img
> root@c1:~#
> so I'll tune down my bacula director config for max file size of 1G.
> 2. I'm still confused by what exactly "Vol-xxx" is supposed to be, I see
> there are config settings for setting this name, but I only create the
> device files MylesMpwrware<x> and point to them in in bacula-sd
> configuration as "Archive Device".  Should I also be creating the
> "Vol-xxx" files as well?   I did see the first of my "Archive Device"
> files filling up:
> root@c1:~# ls -l /mnt/MylesDearDropBox/Backup/bacula/archive/
> total 20971544
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21474860756 Dec  4 03:27 MylesMpwrware1
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root           0 Dec  4 03:04 MylesMpwrware1.l
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root           0 Dec  4 01:00 MylesMpwrware2
> root@c1:~#
> I'm sure with a little more banging my head against the wall things will
> start to make sense.
> Thanks,
> <Myles>
> On 2023-12-04 2:26 p.m., Rob Gerber wrote:
> > dd if=/dev/urandom
> > of=/mnt/yourdropboxmountpoint/someuniquefilename.img bs=50G count=1
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