Hi there,

I am doing a verify for each backup job. The verify happens no immediately 
after the backup, but on the same day for sure.

For some hosts I do have verify differences, and for FDs version 9.x I get 
reports on which files that, so I am able to exclude them from the fileset.

However, FDs version 11.x and 13.x do not report the files that are generating 
the differences (and an according bug report is open for 8 months already: 

I would like to exclude the files that are generating differences on machines 
runnid FD 11.x and 13.x, too, but I have no good idea how to determine which 
files that are. (Using FD 9.x is not an option for these machines, as either 
not available, not supported, or the machines have "special needs” regarding 
connection directions, i.e. due to firewalls the default connection initiation 
directions do not work - an this can be remediated using FD 11.x and higher)

Does someone have an idea how I could efficiently determine, which files are 
generating the verify differences?


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