Mandi! Martin Simmons
  In chel di` si favelave...

> Yes, that is expected.  The problem with
>       WildDir = "C:/Program Files*"
> is that it matches all directories starting with "C:/Program Files" (see the
> comment about using RegExDir in the example in the manual).

OK, worked and finally i've understod. Thanks! ;-)

> Alternatively, assuming you only have the two normal Program Files
> directories, then you could list them both explicitly to avoid ending in *:

Sure, but in this way the same fileset on a 32bit windows box emit a warning
on every backup, because on a 32bit "C:/Program Files (x86)" does not exist.

This, altought minor, disturb me...

Again, thanks!

  Coltivate Linux, tanto Window$© si pianta da solo
                                (Antonio, MajaGLUG:

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