Hello ,


Do some of you have some error during initialization of the VSS Create
snapshot on Windows server 2019, 


Mine often have an error and don’t know why it’s sometimes ok sometimes non

I look at the vssagent on the server and even none are in default or in
running state the failure become.


SERV-fd JobId 10248: Error: VSS API failure calling "BackupComplete".
ERR=Object is not initialized; called during restore or not called in
correct sequence.

SERV-fd JobId 10248: Fatal error: vss.cpp:509 Backup is not Initialized

SERV-fd JobId 10248: Fatal error: vss.cpp:509 Backup is not Initialized

SERV-fd JobId 10248: Fatal error: vss.cpp:451 Backup is not Initialized

SERV-fd JobId 10248: Fatal error: VSS CreateSnapshots failed.
ERR=L’opération a réussi.

SERV-fd JobId 10248: Generate VSS snapshots. Driver="Win64 VSS"


I have no windows backup running ..


I’m still in 9.6.6 (dir and fd)

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