Anyone have any guidance on this?

Levi Wilbert
HPC & Linux Systems Administrator
ARCC - Division of Research and Economic Development
Information Technology Ctr 226
1000 E. University Avenue, Laramie, WY 82071-200

From: Levi Wilbert <lwilb...@uwyo.edu>
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2023 4:43 PM
To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net <bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [Bacula-users] Ceph S3 support in Bacula Community 13.0.3

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I'm running Bacula Community 13.0.3 in RHEL9, and having trouble getting the s3 
plugin working w/ Ceph.

I've done a bit of reading in the docs, and have been finding info 
conflicting/confusing info that S3 Ceph may not be supported under Community?

On this page (for Bacula 11: https://www.bacula.org/bacula-release-11-0-3/), it 
says to download and compile the Cloud driver from here: 

I downloaded this file, and untar'd it to a local folder.

When I attempt to build it w/ "rpmbuild -ta libs3-20200523.tar.gz", I get:
[root@bacula-dev libs3-20200523]# rpmbuild -ta libs3-20200523.tar.gz
error: Bad source: /root/software/libs3-20200523/libs3-trunk.tar.gz: No such 
file or directory

When I try it w/ "make install" I get:
[root@bacula-dev libs3-20200523]# make install
make: xml2-config: No such file or directory
make: xml2-config: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target 'curl/curl.h', needed by 
'build/obj/bucket.do'.  Stop.

I have libcurl-devel installed, and curl.h is on the system in 

I can use our Ceph S3 storage just fine using rclone, so there are system 
drivers present, however, I've attempted configuring the cloud storage in 

# Pathfinder S3 - DEV
Device {
  Name = pathfinder_device
  Device Type = Cloud
  Cloud = PF_S3         # references "Cloud{}" object name
  Archive Device = /backups/PF_S3
  Maximum Part Size = 500 MB
  Media Type = CloudType
  LabelMedia = yes
  Random Access = Yes
  AutomaticMount = yes
  RemovableMedia = no
  AlwaysOpen = no

Cloud {
  Name = PF_S3
  Driver = "S3"
  Host Name = pathfinder.arcc.uwyo.edu
  Bucket Name = "<my-bucket>"
  Access Key = "<access-key>"
  Secret Key = "<secret-key>"
  Protocol = HTTPS
  Upload = EachPart
  UriStyle = Path # Must be set for CEPH

After restarting Bacula w/ this config, I try running listing the cloud volumes 
in the cloud w/ this cloud storage, but I get the following error:
3900 Error reserving device pathfinder_device cloud

The documentation I've read thus far hasn't been incredibly clear, as far as 
whether Ceph S3 is supported or not in the community edition, or if this is 
something that can be added to an installation.

In any case, I'm unable to get our Ceph system hooked up to this server in 
Bacula! Can anyone provide any insight on what's wrong?

Thank you.

Bacula Release 11.0.3 | Bacula<https://www.bacula.org/bacula-release-11-0-3/>
We are pleased to announce the release of Bacula version 11.0.3 to both the 
Bacula website (www.bacula.org) and to SourceForge. Thank you for using

Levi Wilbert
HPC & Linux Systems Administrator
ARCC - Division of Research and Economic Development
Information Technology Ctr 226
1000 E. University Avenue, Laramie, WY 82071-200

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