Hi Marco,
I can't comment on Progressive Virtual Full backups as I don't do those
but I have had a Virtual Full Backup running for several years now,
which I use for my laptop.
I believe I used the manual as my guide - section 12.2.7 and 33.5 but it
is a long time ago now since I set it up.
The following are the configs I am running with.
Client {
Name = tethys-fd
Address = xxx.xxx.xxx.org
FDPort = 9102
Catalog = MyCatalog
# password for FileDaemon on tethys
Password = "xxx"
File Retention = 93 days
Job Retention = 93 days
AutoPrune = no
Device {
Name = tethysFileStorage
Media Type = tethysFile
Archive Device = /mnt/Backup_Disk
LabelMedia = yes;
Random Access = Yes;
AutomaticMount = yes;
RemovableMedia = no;
AlwaysOpen = no;
Device {
Name = tethysVirtualFileStorage
Media Type = tethysVirtualFile
Archive Device = /mnt/Backup_Disk
LabelMedia = yes;
Random Access = Yes;
AutomaticMount = yes;
RemovableMedia = no;
AlwaysOpen = no;
Job {
Name = "Client-tethys"
Type = Backup
Client = tethys-fd
FileSet = "tethys File Set"
Schedule = "tethysCycle"
Messages = Standard
Accurate = yes
Pool = tethys-Inc-Pool
Full Backup Pool = tethys-Full-Pool
Incremental Backup Pool = tethys-Inc-Pool
Write Bootstrap = "/opt/bacula/working/Client_tethys.bsr"
Priority = 10
Spool Attributes = Yes
Job {
Name = "Migrate-tethys"
Type = Migrate
Client = tethys-fd
FileSet = "tethys File Set"
Schedule = "tethysMigrateCycle"
Selection Type = Volume
Selection Pattern = ^tethys-fd-Virtual-Full
Purge Migration Job = yes
Messages = Standard
Accurate = yes
Pool = tethys-Virtual-Full-Pool
Priority = 12
Spool Attributes = Yes
Pool {
Name = tethys-Full-Pool
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = no
Volume Retention = 90 days
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Action On Purge = Truncate
Label Format = "tethys-fd-Full-${NumVols+:p/2/0/r}"
Maximum Volumes = 10
Storage = "tethysFileStorage"
NextPool = "tethys-Virtual-Full-Pool"
Pool {
Name = tethys-Virtual-Full-Pool
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = no
Volume Retention = 90 days
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Action On Purge = Truncate
Label Format = "tethys-fd-Virtual-Full-${NumVols+:p/2/0/r}"
Maximum Volumes = 10
Storage = "tethysVirtualFileStorage"
NextPool = "tethys-Full-Pool"
Pool {
Name = tethys-Inc-Pool
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = no
Volume Retention = 35 days
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Action On Purge = Truncate
Label Format = "tethys-fd-Incremental-${NumVols+:p/2/0/r}"
Maximum Volumes = 45
Storage = "tethysFileStorage"
NextPool = "tethys-Virtual-Full-Pool"
Schedule {
Name = "tethysCycle"
Run = Level=VirtualFull 1st sun at 0:00
Schedule {
Name = "tethysMigrateCycle"
Run = 1st sun at 0:10
Storage {
Name = tethysFileStorage
Address = yyy.xxx.xxx.org
SDPort = 9103
Password = "xxx"
Device = tethysFileStorage
Media Type = tethysFile
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
Storage {
Name = tethysVirtualFileStorage
Address = yyy.xxx.xxx.org
SDPort = 9103
Password = "xxx"
Device = tethysVirtualFileStorage
Media Type = tethysVirtualFile
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
A full backup is run to start with.
After that the laptop runs a backup script every four days creating a
selection of incremental backups which at the start of each month are
consolidated into a virtual full pool volume. This virtual full pool
volume is then migrated into a full pool volume and I have around 3 to 4
of those available on my storage.
I remember that the part that took me some time to get right so that the
Virtual Full Backup worked correctly was the Next Pool definitions in
the Pool configs. I think it took me several weeks of tuning the configs
to end up with a working system that backed up correctly. I also tested
out and confirmed the restore capability with the backups.
On 21/09/2023 12:08, Marco Gaiarin wrote:
I'm not currently using web interfaces, and i prefere to understand and work
at config file levels, but thanks.
I've done some tests, but lead to nothing. I'm basing my tests (apart on
official docs) also on:
and limiting for now on 'Virtual Full' tests (progessive will came later,
if i understood well can be seen as an special case).
I've setup a client (windows client, but AFAIK does not matter):
Client {
Name = fvg-sv-obito-fd
Address = obito.dyn.sv.lnf.it
FDPort = 9102
Password = "Unknown."
Catalog = BaculaLNF
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
File Retention = 21 days
Job Retention = 21 days
AutoPrune = yes
I've setup TWO pools, one for incrementals and one for full:
Pool {
Name = FVG-SV-ObitoFilePoolIncremental
Pool Type = Backup
Storage = SVPVE3File
Maximum Volume Jobs = 6
Volume Use Duration = 1 week
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Action On Purge = Truncate
Volume Retention = 20 days
Pool {
Name = FVG-SV-ObitoFilePoolFull
Pool Type = Backup
Storage = SVPVE3File
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Action On Purge = Truncate
Volume Retention = 20 days
And create three volumes in incremental pool and one volume on full pool:
*list media pool=FVG-SV-ObitoFilePoolIncremental
Automatically selected Catalog: BaculaLNF
Using Catalog "BaculaLNF"
| mediaid | volumename | volstatus | enabled | volbytes | volfiles |
volretention | recycle | slot | inchanger | mediatype | voltype | volparts |
lastwritten | expiresin |
| 749 | Obito_Inc_0001 | Append | 1 | 5,009,655,255 | 1 |
1,728,000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | File | 1 | 0 |
2023-09-21 09:35:14 | 1,719,488 |
| 750 | Obito_Inc_0002 | Append | 1 | 248 | 0 |
1,728,000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | File | 1 | 0 |
| 0 |
| 751 | Obito_Inc_0003 | Append | 1 | 248 | 0 |
1,728,000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | File | 1 | 0 |
| 0 |
*list media pool=FVG-SV-ObitoFilePoolFull
| mediaid | volumename | volstatus | enabled | volbytes | volfiles
| volretention | recycle | slot | inchanger | mediatype | voltype | volparts |
lastwritten | expiresin |
| 752 | Obito_Full_0001 | Purged | 1 | 4,882,592,825 | 1
| 1,728,000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | File | 1 | 0 |
2023-09-20 17:58:57 | 1,663,306 |
Then i've created a schedule and a fileset, pretty dummy one:
Schedule {
Name = VirtualWeeklyObito
Run = Incremental Pool = FVG-SV-ObitoFilePoolIncremental mon-fri at 8:00
Run = VirtualFull Pool = FVG-SV-ObitoFilePoolFull sun at 8:00
FileSet {
Name = ObitoTestStd
Include {
Options {
Signature = MD5
Ignore Case = yes
File = "C:/Users"
Then so i've created a job:
Job {
Name = FVG-SV-Obito
JobDefs = DefaultJob
Storage = SVPVE3File
Pool = FVG-SV-ObitoFilePoolIncremental
NextPool = FVG-SV-ObitoFilePoolFull
Messages = StandardClient
Schedule = VirtualWeeklyObito
Reschedule On Error = yes
Reschedule Interval = 30 minutes
Reschedule Times = 8
Max Run Sched Time = 8 hours
Client = fvg-sv-obito-fd
FileSet = ObitoTestStd
Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/FVG-SV-Obito.bsr"
Then i've tried to run jobs; initially i've run the full job against
'FVG-SV-ObitoFilePoolFull' pool, but after that i've thinkd that in that
pool i've only one volume, so coud be a problem.
So i've redone the full on 'FVG-SV-ObitoFilePoolIncremental' pool, do some
incrementals and run after that a Virtual Full. But does not work:
20-Sep 18:22 lnfbacula-dir JobId 11367: Start Virtual Backup JobId 11367,
20-Sep 18:22 lnfbacula-dir JobId 11367: Warning: This Job is not an Accurate
backup so is not equivalent to a Full backup.
20-Sep 18:22 lnfbacula-dir JobId 11367: Consolidating JobIds=11364,11365
20-Sep 18:22 lnfbacula-dir JobId 11367: Found 41459 files to consolidate into
Virtual Full.
20-Sep 18:22 lnfbacula-dir JobId 11367: Using Device "FileStorage" to read.
20-Sep 18:36 svpve3-sd JobId 11367: JobId=11367, Job
FVG-SV-Obito.2023-09-20_18.22.33_13 waiting to reserve a device.
20-Sep 18:41 svpve3-sd JobId 11367: JobId=11367, Job
FVG-SV-Obito.2023-09-20_18.22.33_13 waiting to reserve a device.
21-Sep 02:21 svpve3-sd JobId 11367: JobId=11367, Job
FVG-SV-Obito.2023-09-20_18.22.33_13 waiting to reserve a device.
21-Sep 02:22 lnfbacula-dir JobId 11367: Fatal error: Max run sched time
exceeded. Job canceled.
21-Sep 02:22 lnfbacula-dir JobId 11367: Fatal error:
Storage daemon didn't accept Device "FileStorage" command.
21-Sep 02:22 lnfbacula-dir JobId 11367: Bacula lnfbacula-dir 9.4.2 (04Feb19):
Build OS: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu debian 10.5
JobId: 11367
Job: FVG-SV-Obito.2023-09-20_18.22.33_13
Backup Level: Virtual Full
Client: "fvg-sv-obito-fd" 7.4.4 (28Sep16) Microsoft
Professional (build 9200), 64-bit,Cross-compile,Win64
FileSet: "ObitoTestStd" 2023-09-20 17:53:32
Pool: "FVG-SV-ObitoFilePoolFul21-Sep 02:22 lnfbacula-dir JobId 0:
3000 JobId=11367 Job="FVG-SV-Obito.2023-09-20_18.22.33_13" marked to be canceled.
l" (From Job resource)
Catalog: "BaculaLNF" (From Client resource)
Storage: "SVPVE3File" (From Job resource)
Scheduled time: 20-Sep-2023 18:22:32
Start time: 20-Sep-2023 18:17:33
End time: 20-Sep-2023 18:18:52
Elapsed time: 1 min 19 secs
Priority: 10
SD Files Written: 0
SD Bytes Written: 0 (0 B)
Rate: 0.0 KB/s
Volume name(s):
Volume Session Id: 208
Volume Session Time: 1694166147
Last Volume Bytes: 0 (0 B)
SD Errors: 0
SD termination status:
Termination: Backup Canceled
What i'm missing?! Really i don't understand...
Sent from my laptop.
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