On 5/18/23 08:07, Chris Wilkinson wrote:
I have not used a copy job before so I thought I would try one. I used Baculum 
v11 to set one up that copies a job from a
local USB drive to a NAS. The setup was straightforward. I created a new pool 
to receive the copy, defined the source and
destination job, pool and SD/storage. This worked just fine creating the new 
volumes on the destination storage.

The thing I'm not clear about is whether a copy job copies only the pool 
specified as the source, in my case a full, or
whether all of full/diff/incr pools for the job are copied.

My suspicion is that only the full is copied and I would need additional jobs 
for the diff/incr.

Given that there is a 1:1 correspondence between a job definition and its 
pools, Bacula should be able to deduce one from the
other but it seems to be required to specify both.

Could anyone help me understand this?

Chris Wilkinson

Hello Chris,

A Copy job will copy
what you tell it to. :)

What I mean is there are several ways to tell a Copy job what jobs to copy. The 
simplest being the `SelectionType =

Using this option, Bacula will only look to the Pool specified in the Copy job 
itself for jobids which have not yet been
copied and it will spawn n-1 new iterations of itself - each one to copy one 
job - and it will take the last jobid found and
copy it itself.

At the beginning of the Copy job, Bacula will list the jobids it has identified 
to be copied.

When setting up Copy jobs for the first time on an existing pool with a lot of 
jobs existing it is a good idea to set the
`MaximumSpawnedJobs = 1` while testing to make sure things look/work OK so you 
are not spawning hundreds or thousands of Copy
jobs which may not work or need to be canceled. :)

Then, once things are OK, that number can be raised or the setting can be 
removed entirely.

You can also just specify a specific jobid to be copied on the comm
and line:

* run job=CopyJobNAme jobid=12345

And this one jobid would be copied - regardless of the `Pool =` setting the the 
Copy job.

You can use `SelectionType = SQLQuery` and then the `SelectionPattern =` can be 
used to specify *any* jobs you want to be
copied, also overriding the pool set in the Copy job itself.

If you have Full, Inc, and Diff pools, you might have three copy jobs, one for 
each pool, or  you could simply call the Copy
job three times and override the `pool=xxx` on the command line or in a 

Something I have helped customers with is to set up a Copy job to be run 
immediately after the backup job itself has
completed. In this use case, you just call a small script in a RunScript {} 
section in your job:

Job {
 ...All normal job stuff goes here...

  RunScript {
    RunsOnCLient = no
    RunsWhen = after
    Command = "path/to/triggerCopyJobsScript.sh %i '%n' %l"

 ...and that script simply starts the copy job wit
h the jobid=xxxx option:

# $1 = jobid, $2 = Job name, $3 = Level
if [ "$3" = "Full" ]; then
  echo "Jobid $3 (${2}) is a Full job, triggering a copy of it..."
  echo "run yes job=CopyJobName jobid=$1" | bconsole
  echo "This is not a Full level job, not copying it..."

I pass the level and jobname so, as in the case of this customer, they wanted 
to only copy full jobs, so we just check the
level and decide to trigger the copy job or not.

Note: Using this method, the Priority of your Copy job needs to be the same as 
the Backup job otherwise you will enter a
deadlock where the Backup job never finishes because it is waiting on the Copy 
to finish, but the Copy will never start
because it is waiting on the Backup job to finish. :)     (Sure, allowing "mixed 
priority" can be done, but that just adds
more confusion, problems etc.)

Hope some of this helps!

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

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