Am 21.04.23 um 21:32 schrieb Drew Von Spreecken:
I've used Bacula for around 9 years, most recently with an LTO-6 HH
IBM drive without any real issues. I did know that I never was able to
reach native speeds but close at around 140MBps with uncompressible
data. Since it was close enough, I never really bothered to
troubleshoot further.
Recently I've moved to a new LTO-8 drive and I'm finding I'm also not
able to reach close to native speed.
I currently max out at 289MBps (exactly) with uncompressible data and
~415Mbps with zeros/highly compressible data.
With ST, the block size is set to variable and changing this makes
very little difference (see below for clarification).
IIRC your sustained data rates for incompressible data seem quite right:
It depends a bit on how many file marks you write (smallest amount of
data read from the tape to be of any meaning in recovery mode). Please
see my posting for Thorsten on Slow Despooling.
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