On 4/11/23 16:35, Chris Wilkinson wrote:
I have some disk volumes that are not associated with any job but have not yet 
reached their expiry time so they are not
being pruned. These were created by a job run that was deleted. It seems 
deleting a job run doesn't purge the associated volumes.
I would like to delete these now obsolete volumes from disk and recover the 
space used.

I thought the prune command would do this but it doesn't find the obsolete 
volumes, presumably because they haven't reached
their expiry time. I thought perhaps the bls -j <pathtovolume> utility might 
help but it is extremely slow and produces much
unwanted output that is difficult to parse out.

How could I list these obsolete volumes so I could script a delete from catalog 
and rm the volume files?

Chris Wilkinson

Hello Chris,

Bacula does its best to not delete tings, especially volumes/backup data. The 
rare case being the `ActionOnPurge = truncate`

The answer in your case is simple:

In bconsole:
* delete yes volume=xxxx

Then in a shell:
# rm -f /path/to/filevolume

This can be done with a simple script too (standard warnings apply):


For vol in vol_1 vol_2 vol_3; do

  echo "delete yes volume="${vol}" | "${bcbin}" -c "${bccfg}"
  rm -f "$path2vols}"/"${vol}


To be sure there are no jobs associated with a volume, I would recommend to use 
the bconsole `query` command, then choose
option `14: List Jobs stored for a given Volume name`, and then do the 
deletions after you are sure all is OK.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

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