Hello d09,
Am 13.12.2022 um 03:03 schrieb d...@bornfree.org:
On my el8 server using Bacula Community binaries, I got the following
errors from the Director service:
Version error for database "bacula". Wanted 1024, got 1022
Please correct configuration file: /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-dir.conf
You will have to apply the database upgrade script manually.
This happened after upgrading the binaries from version 11.0.6 to 13.0.1.
Help is appreciated.
P.S. I performed this exact same upgrade on our test server first and
it didn't have any problems upgrading.
Hard to say why, as you did not mention how you upgraded, as in which
packages on which platform you used, or what the manual build and
installation process looked like. Also, the current state of the system
including configuration chamnges can have an impact here.
For what it's worth -- the catalog upgrade is triggered by some packages
on some platforms, and it's always an interesting discussion if that is
reasonable or incorrect. There is no solution that is correct for
everybody, I fear.
Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann
Sandstr. 6, 49080 Osnabrück
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