Hello Nick,

If you have volumes in Purged status, the truncate command should be able
to truncate volumes. Unless there is a misconfiguration related to media
types and storages.

Can you please share with us the following?

-  list media output
- "File1"configuration in both the bacula-dir.conf and bacula-sd.conf files

Thank you!

On Fri, Nov 25, 2022 at 5:08 PM Nick Bright <nbri...@kwikom.com> wrote:

> On 11/25/22 09:20, Ana Emília M. Arruda wrote:
> Can you share your pool resource configuration here? Bacula has many
> directives to different ways to recycle volumes, it would be nice to see
> how you have the pool configured.
> Sure, here is my pool configuration:
> Pool {
>   Name = File
>   Pool Type = Backup
>   Recycle = yes
>   Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
>   AutoPrune = yes
>   Volume Retention = 7 days
>   Maximum Volume Bytes = 50G
>   Maximum Volumes = 310
>   Label Format = "Vol-"
>   Action On Purge = Truncate
>   Volume Use Duration = 14h
> }
> It's notable that this configuration leaves about 450GB of free space on
> the pool partition, so there is plenty of working room. I had initially
> grown the Maximum Volumes setting several times before stopping and
> investigating why volumes weren't being reused; presuming that completely
> filling the partition would likely be A Bad Idea(tm).
> After that, you will be able to "truncate volumes in Purged status" using
>> the following command:
>> * truncate volume allpools storage=File1
>> This command reports "No volumes found to perform the command"
> This command will only apply to volumes in "Purged" status. If they have
> been reused, there will be no volume to truncate. Please check if it works
> having at least one volume in Purged status.
> After the steps taken so far, I'm showing that I have a significant number
> of volumes in "Purged" status - so, if I understand correctly, those will
> be available for re-use as Bacula requires more space for more backups.
> So; with your help I see how to manually prune files, but this seems
>> inelegant. The system should automatically be pruning or at least allowing
>> me to overwrite the old data - it ought to be cyclical - use the available
>> disk space (17T) to back up systems, letting old backups fall off
>> automatically so that new backups can take their place.
>> Is needing to manually remove stale backups the intended behavior of the
>> system, or have I done something incorrectly?
> Bacula will automatically reuse volumes, but it will not destroy data if
> the retention hasn't expired yet.
> It would be nice if you could share the pool resource configuration and a
> job log reporting no volume available to use.
> The best approach is to reuse volumes as soon as they have retention
> expired,  but to not keep the pool too tight as it may happen Bacula can't
> create a new volume or reuse any.
> Limiting the pool size (in bytes or in number of volumes) and keeping a
> retention that can fit into this pool size is ideal.
> The pool configuration is listed above, here's an example of a job log
> reporting no volumes available (this is before files were purged allowing
> the currently pending backups to run - they all finished)
> 2022-11-23 13:01:31 baculaserver-dir JobId 904: Start Backup JobId 904,
> Job=client.2022-11-23_13.01.29_31
> 2022-11-23 13:01:31 baculaserver-dir JobId 904: Connected to Storage
> "File1" at baculaserver:9103 with TLS
> 2022-11-23 13:01:31 baculaserver-dir JobId 904: Pruning oldest volume
> "Vol-0001"
> 2022-11-23 13:01:31 baculaserver-dir JobId 904: Found no Job associated
> with the Volume "Vol-0001" to prune
> 2022-11-23 13:01:31 baculaserver-dir JobId 904: Using Device
> "FileChgr1-Dev1" to write.
> 2022-11-23 13:01:31 baculaserver-dir JobId 904: Connected to Client
> "client" at IPADDR:9102 with TLS
> 2022-11-23 13:01:31 client JobId 904: Connected to Storage at
> baculaserver:9103 with TLS
> 2022-11-23 13:01:32 baculaserver-dir JobId 904: Pruning oldest volume
> "Vol-0001"
> 2022-11-23 13:01:32 baculaserver-dir JobId 904: Found no Job associated
> with the Volume "Vol-0001" to prune
> 2022-11-23 13:01:32 baculaserver-dir JobId 904: Pruning oldest volume
> "Vol-0001"
> 2022-11-23 13:01:32 baculaserver-dir JobId 904: Found no Job associated
> with the Volume "Vol-0001" to prune
> 2022-11-23 13:01:32 baculaserver-sd JobId 904: Job
> client.2022-11-23_13.01.29_31 is waiting. Cannot find any appendable
> volumes.
> Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for:
>     Storage:      "FileChgr1-Dev1" (/var/lib/bacula)
>     Pool:         File
>     Media type:   File1
> 2022-11-23 13:03:47 baculaserver-sd JobId 904: Error: bsock.c:282 Bsock
> send while terminated=1 on call to client:IPADDR:9103
> 2022-11-23 13:03:47 baculaserver-sd JobId 904: askdir.c:859 Job was
> stopped by the user.
> Thanks,
> --
> ---------------------------------
> -  Nick Bright                  -
> -  KwiKom Communications        -
> -  Office 800-379-7292          -
> -  Direct 620-228-5653          -
> -  Web https://www.kwikom.com/  -
> ---------------------------------
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