
I’m using bacula 9 over CentOS. I need receive notifications about job failures 
but this notifications doesn’t work.
The configuration file bacula-dir.conf has the followup Messages directive:

Messages {
Name = Standard
mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h -f "(Bacula) <%r>" -s "Bacula: 
%t %e of %c %l" %r"
operatorcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h -f "(Bacula) <%r>" -s 
"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j" %r"
mail = gina.co...@uc.pt = all, !skipped
operator = gina.co...@uc.pt = mount
console = all, !skipped, !saved
append = "/var/log/bacula/bacula.log" = all, !skipped
catalog = all

To test whether the mail sending is working as it should, I do the following 
command, and this works fine, I receive the test message :

        echo "This is test message." | /opt/bacula/bin/bsmtp -h -f 
bac...@uc.pt -s "Test" gina.co...@uc.pt -d 50

Can anyone help me?

Gina Costa

Universidade de Coimbra • Administração
SGSIIC-Serviço de Gestão de Sistemas e Infraestruturas de Informação e 
Divisão de Infraestruturas de TIC
Rua do Arco da Traição | 3000-056 COIMBRA • PORTUGAL 
Tel.: +351 239 242 870 
E-mail: gina.co...@uc.pt

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