On 6/15/22 10:21, Justin Case wrote:
Hi there,

in the age of virtualization and cloud technology such as Kubernetes I would 
assume that people might have a lot of VMs that use the same setup where they 
may store container user data under the same path for each machine.

While I see that it is possible to define just one fileset to use for all these 
VMs, I seem to miss a way to define a job that is run for a group of clients 
(e.g. sequentially for each of them to not overload the VM host) for the same 

Is there way in Bacula to achieve this or is this a hard limitation that a need 
an individual job per each bacula-fd machine?

Just looking for clarification, before I proceed setting up a larger number of 
jobs (which is a pain, even if you can use the templating in Baculum).

Thanks and best,

With Bacula, it is "One Client Per Job"

So in your example, you would create a Job template, that uses a JobDefs{} 
resource containing all t
he things common to the
jobs (Fileset, Priority, Messages, Storage, Pool, etc), then for each Job, just 
use that JobDefs and only override the things
that will be different, like the Client, for example.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

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