
I rewrote a sql command from the /opt/bacula/scripts/query.sql: 

# 11 
:List total files/bytes by Volume 
SELECT count(*) AS Jobs,sum(JobFiles) AS Files,sum(JobBytes) AS 
FROM Job,JobMedia,Media 
WHERE JobMedia.JobId=Job.JobId 
AND JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId 
GROUP by VolumeName; 

Which was miscalculating the values of each column 

This is the version that works: 
# 11 
:List total files/bytes by Volume 
SELECT count(*) AS Jobs,sum(JobFiles) AS Files,sum(JobBytes) AS 
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Jobmedia.JobId, JobFiles, JobBytes, VolumeName 
FROM Job,JobMedia,Media 
WHERE JobMedia.JobId=Job.JobId 
AND JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId) AS f 
GROUP BY VolumeName 
ORDER BY VolumeName; 

I would like someone to test the code. 
I don't know how to send it to the people who maintain the query.sql file. 


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