Please help me find the source of this problem.
I did a lot of research and manipulations but without result.
Thank you

Bacula Community 11.0.5 &
both in /opt/bacula/plugins
Object Storage compatible S3

* status storage
Device Cloud (S3 Plugin): "S3" (/mnt/bacula/cloud) is not open.
   Available Cache Space=151.0 GB
Cloud transfer status:
   Uploads   (0 B/s) (ETA 0 s) Queued=0 0 B, Waiting=0 0 B, Processed=0 0
B, Done=0 0 B, Failed=1 421.7 MB
   Downloads (0 B/s) (ETA 0 s) Queued=0 0 B, Waiting=0 0 B, Processed=0 0
B, Done=0 0 B, Failed=0 0 B

* status director
Running Jobs:
Console connected at 08-Apr-22 13:03
 JobId  Type Level     Files     Bytes  Name              Status
    33  Back Full          0         0  CloudS3Backup     SD Uploading to

* messages
08-Apr 13:37 JobId 33: Error:
CLD-0007/part.6     state=error   size=421.7 MB duration=195s
msg=S3_put_object ERR=NameLookupError CURL Effective URL: https://<bucket
name> CURL Effective URL: https://<bucket
name>  retry=10
08-Apr 13:37 JobId 33: Sending spooled attrs to the
Director. Despooling 2,064,509 bytes ...
08-Apr 13:37 JobId 33: Bacula 11.0.5 (03Jun21):
  Volume Session Time:    1649422343
  Last Volume Bytes:      1,687,024,719 (1.687 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              1
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
 Termination:            Backup OK -- Upload to Cloud failed

Conclusion :
backup is done locally but is not transferred to cloud.

Here are my 3 resources:

Device {
  Name = S3
  Device Type = Cloud
  Cloud = aaaaaaaaaa
  Archive Device = /mnt/bacula/cloud  # local volume cache
  Maximum Part Size = 2 GB  # important: it is the object upload granularity
  Maximum File Size = 2 GB
  Media Type = S3
  LabelMedia = yes
  Random Access = yes
  AutomaticMount = yes
  RemovableMedia = no
  AlwaysOpen = no
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
Cloud {
   Name = "aaaaaaaaaa"
   Driver = "S3"
   HostName = ""
   Bucket Name = "bbbbbbb"
   Access Key = "888888888888888888888"
   Secret Key = "999999999999999999999"
   Protocol = HTTPS
   Uri Style = VirtualHost #VirtualHost or Path
   Truncate Cache = "AfterUpload"        #
   Upload = "EachPart"          #EachPart or AtEndOfJob
   Region = "eu"
   #MaximumUploadBandwidth = 5MB/s
   #MaximumDownloadBandwidth = 5MB/s
   #Maximum Concurrent Uploads = 20
   #Maximum Concurrent Downloads = 20

Autochanger { #Autochanger ou Storage ?
  Name = S3
  Address =
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = 777777777777777777777777
  Device = S3
  Media Type = S3
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1

Med Mouncef
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