On 2022-01-12 06:28, Shaligram Bhagat, Yateen (Nokia - IN/Bangalore)
Hi All,
We have backup being taken for filesets of different users (users
co-located on a single Linux host as well as individual user with
his/her private Linux host)
At the moment any user can restore other user's data through
How can we put some kind of ACL's to ensure that a given user has
restore access only to his/her fileset?
We have Bacula 9.4.4 on Centos.
Hi Shaligram,
You could add separate Console resources to your bacula-dir.conf
and configure them with different passwords (and SSL/TLS if you
are using transport encryption).
You could then define which Console is allowed to access which
file daemon, file set etc.
Here is the relevant documentation page for your version (9.4.x):
Josip Deanovic
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