Thanks Radosław,
Thanks for your reply.
I am not sure what to do, can you give some instruction or some document i can
see? Thanks.
Kind Regards
John Hu
On Monday, October 11, 2021 8:11pm, "Radosław Korzeniewski"
<> said:
pon., 11 paź 2021 o 03:15 John Hu <[ ]( )> napisał(a):
Hi There,
We are having trouble restoring files, please help.
We are using Amazon tape gateway(vtl) as bacula's storage.
we used to have a vtl (we named it as AWS-VTL1-Autochanger-2), then we had to
create a new vtl (AWS-VTL1-Autochanger-3) and migrate the tapes over as old vtl
not working anymore.
We meet trouble restoring files as bacula keep looking for old vtl(
AWS-VTL1-Autochanger-2) which is not available anymore.
You need to update the volumes in the catalog to move existent volumes to the
new storageid. It is an easy procedure for someone who knows exactly what to do.
I hope it helps.
best regards--
Radosław Korzeniewski
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