> I'm sorry Sebastian - I spelled that name from memory and now I'm not sure 
> which I actually used. (I know which I meant to use, but I may have mistyped 
> it there, too.) Anyhow, it asked me if I wanted to apply a long list of 
> changes and I told it to go ahead.
> I don't know if I ended up mentioning it, but your "search" results and mine 
> looked entirely different (for instance, mine didn't have any version 
> numbers). But the package I was trying to install was listed on mine but not 
> on yours. I don't know why the lists were so different.
> I did a tiny bit of original Unix back in the '80s. I just have no idea how 
> any of the modern stuff works or how to use any of the toolsets (like apt).
> Thanks for your assistance! I'll be sure to ask here again if I run into any 
> further problems.

It's all right! :D I think you probably did both and you are remembering only 
the last one, because it has had a bigger impact to you. I don't know but it's 
not bad.

Okay, that's a little bit weird. And honestly I don't know why they look 
different, maybe it is a distribution thing. On debian and ubuntu they look the 

Wow! That's quiet the experience you were able to make. I don't know anybody 
who worked with computers at that time. The first steps with computers I did 
were in the early 2000 as a kid. The people at my traineeship, a few years 
back, talked about using punch cards to programm their cnc-machines in the '80s 
and early '90s. To my pity they threw everything away..... Anyway, the 
goverment of the country I grew up, and still live in, doesn't take the 
internet and the modern technology not at all seriously or even label it as 
Nevertheless, back to the point, I think you can do it! The learning curve was 
quiet steep to me in the beginning but really paid of in the end.

No problem! Okay! :)

Wish you, and everyone reading by, a great day


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