Hello everyone,

We have set up a system with a tape library and Bacula to back up /
archive some
NASs. The idea is as simple as possible: no files expire, I just have to
make sure that in the event of a disaster on a NAS, we will be able to
recover all the files.
(So I have a pretty basic knowledge of Bacula, enough to set up this very
simple project, but didn't need to become an expert ... my apologies in
advance if I did mistakes or if I talk nonsense :))

So I have "Incremental" jobs that run every night.
During the summer (and the holidays ...) the tape library found itself
short of LTO, and for a period of about 15 days, jobs were created and put
on hold ("Created but not yet running ".)

Naively, I told myself that making LTOs available would solve the problem.
In a sense, this is the case, because jobs have indeed started up again.

But there is a big but !! It seems that the jobs have rewritten several
times (as many times as jobs not launched during the period) almost the
same data ...
So to my surprise, I still find myself running out of LTO a few days after
settling the pb.

1 / So I realize that I should have canceled all the "pending" jobs apart
from the last one created, is that right? Or if not, how to handle this
case? (this is important because I am in this case again!)

2 / How to recover the wasted space (almost 10 LTO8 !!)
Specifically, how do you go about identifying exactly which volumes / jobid
are to be "deactivated" and how do you do that? How to end with a clean
incremental job running smoothly ?

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

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