Hello eric

As I said before, I don't want subsequent jobs to be cancelled, but just
postponed until all current jobs finish.
Thanks for the tip


Em 24/08/2021 04:12, Eric Bollengier via Bacula-users escreveu:
> Hello Marcio,
> On 8/23/21 21:22, Márcio (Departamento de Informática - PMI) wrote:
>> Hi Heitor, thanks for helping
>> I saw the link you mentioned, but I haven't found something that helps me.
> The exact link is more
> https://www.bacula.org/11.0.x-manuals/en/main/Configuring_Director.html#Director:Job:AllowDuplicateJobs
> You will see a diagram on how to configure the Allow Duplicate Jobs that 
> Heitor
> has mentioned. It will basically cancel the Differential Job at the end.
> The other tricks based on MaximumConcurrentJobs (in your Job resource), or on 
> the
> Priority (in your Schedule run line) can also do the work to prevent the two 
> jobs
> to run concurrently.
> Hope it helps!
> Best Regards,
> Eric
>> Márcio
>> Em 23/08/2021 15:28, Heitor Faria escreveu:
>>>> Hi, greetings everyone.
>>> Hello Marcos,
>>>> I searched for this subject in other posts in this list, but I didn't
>>>> find something that was similar, so I decided to post my question.
>>>> Is there any way to prevent jobs scheduled on a certain day from
>>>> overlapping jobs that were previously scheduled and are still in the
>>>> execution queue, even if the priority number of new jobs is lower?
>>>> On Friday the FULL backups are started, and often the differential
>>>> backup that starts on Saturday is merged with the one on Friday.
>>>> Grateful for any help.
>>> Please refer to Allow Duplicate Jobs = <yes|no> and next directives: 
>>> https://www.bacula.org/11.0.x-manuals/en/main/Configuring_Director.html#SECTION0021200000000000000000
>>> Our company provides Bacula Community training, deployment and support, 
>>> specially for the government and under the elicitation dismissal price, if 
>>> you need a more professional support to your environment. 
>>>> Márcio
>>>> Prefeitura Municipal de Indaiatuba
>>>> Telefone: (19) 3834-9000
>>>> Site: http://www.indaiatuba.sp.gov.br/
>>> Atte.
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