Hello there,

I often use mysql directly on the bacula catalog to check for old
volumes that haven't been used for a while for whatever reason. It's
quite simple if you take a look at the "Media" table structure:

# Select all volumes where LastWritten is older than Jan 1st, 2021:

echo 'select VolumeName, LastWritten, VolBytes from Media where LastWritten < 
"2021-01-01";' | mysql -pXXXXXXX bacula

VolumeName      LastWritten             VolBytes
client0298-0206 2020-12-31 10:37:13     45526845926

You can then pipe that through awk or some other tool to create a bconsole 

 for v in $(echo 'select VolumeName, LastWritten, VolBytes from Media where 
LastWritten < "2021-01-01";' | mysql -s -pXXXXXXXXXXXX bacula | awk '{print 
$1}'  ) ; do echo purge volume="$v"; done 

purge volume=client0298-0206

and then pipe that directly to bacula / bconsole if you're feeling adventurous 
like so:

( for v in $(echo 'select VolumeName, LastWritten, VolBytes from Media where 
LastWritten < "2021-01-01";' | mysql -s -pXXXXXXXXXXXX bacula | awk '{print 
$1}'  ) ; do echo purge volume="$v"; done ) | bconsole

That's most likely not the most elegant scripting you've ever seen,
but it works and will let you review the consequences of your actions
before actually committing them.

You can also use the sql statement above to restrict the search to
volumes of a certain name pattern ("AND VolumeName LIKE 'OFFLINE%'" for 
or that are in a certain pool and so on.

All the best,


Uwe Schürkamp | email: <uwe.schuerk...@nionex.net>

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