On 8/5/21 6:55 AM, Andrea Brancatelli via Bacula-users wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> is there a way to easily change the default path to the BackupCatalog?
> It seems to be hardcoded to /var/db/bacula, if I get it right, but my /var is 
> too small... Is there any way to put it elsewhere?
> Thanks
> --
> *Andrea Brancatelli *
Hello Andrea,

Here is a replacement catalog (postgresql) backup script I wrote a log time ago.

There are variables at the top to set, one being the directory to dump the 
catalog into, and the number of days of catalog
dumps to leave behind for quick recovery from disk rather than from a Bacula 

Just make sure to set your Catalog backup FileSet to point to the same 
directory as you set in the script.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Attachment: bacula_pgsqlbackup.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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