
I want to backup data from system A to system B. I'm using a "file" storage 
pool on system B.  My
problem is that the available space on system B is less than twice the amount 
of used space on
system A - i.e., I cannot store two full backups. That is Okay for me - I don't 
need multiple
versions of each file. A single copy of each file on system A would be totally 
okay. Also, the data
on system A changes only very slowly.

I wonder if I can achieve this with bacula. Of course I could achieve something 
similar e.g. with a
simple rsync invocation, but I already use bacula for other backups and would 
like to stay with a
single solution.

My best guess is that in principle this can be achieved with Incremental + 
Virtual Full backups. For
each backup, first run an incremental backup, immediatly followed by a Virtual 
Full. After this, one
should have one full backup with all files on system A.

What I don't know is how to get rid of the "old" data. I would need two things:

 1. After the virtual full backup is run, all files not part of the new virtual 
full backup should
                be discarded. These are exactly the files updated by the 
incremental backup in this backup run.

 2. I somehow need to consolidate space in my file-volumes. If I run the above 
scheme for a while,
                the files belonging to the current virtual full backup will be 
sparsely distributed over many
                file-volumes after a while. So, the respective volumes cannot 
be purged and reused and bacula
                keeps creating new volumes, thereby using a lot more storage 
than necessary (and available).

I've seen that there are "migration" jobs which may be able to achieve 
something for (2). However,
from the docs I could not learn whether:

   * a migration within a single storage pool is possible?
         * I can somehow craft a "Selection Type" argument that catches all 
non-discarded files and stuffs
     them compactly into as few volumes as possible. I guess that after the 
Virtual Full backup has
     run, all the files I want to keep should "belong" to that latest virtual 
full job, right? So,
     selecting the files from the most recent virtual full job would do the 
trick? But how do I tell
     bacula to compactify this into as few volumes as possilbe?
         * … this would cause the volumes to be purgeable? I guess that if I 
set volume retention to 0, a
     volume should be ready to purge after all files have been migrated off it?

I'm not sure how to achieve (1). I know that files also have a retention time, 
but I don't want
time-based expiry - I want a file to expire as soon as it is not part of the 
most recent virtual
full backup anymore. Basically, I would need some kind of "Job Retention =
keep-only-most-recent-job" setting - is there such a thing?

Also, if I solved (1), maybe (2) becomes easier: Once I deleted all outdated 
files from my catalog,
just selecting "everything" in the migration job should do the trick - right? 
That still leaves me
wtih the question of how to make the migration job compactify everything into 
as few volumes as

Thank for any help,


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