On 2021-05-07 13:12, Martin Simmons wrote:
On Fri, 7 May 2021 12:37:32 +0200, Peter Milesson said:
On 2021-05-07 12:01, Martin Simmons wrote:
On Thu, 6 May 2021 21:54:54 +0200, Peter Milesson said:
On 2021-05-06 15:51, Josip Deanovic wrote:
On Wednesday 2021-05-05 20:53:42 Peter Milesson wrote:
Hi folks,
After upgrading to Bacula 9.2.2, the following backup error occurs when
the daily catalog backup is run:
The normal backups seem to terminate without any errors. It's quite
clear that the bacula.sql file cannot be created or written, which
triggers the error message. The spool directory /spool/bacula is
otherwise used by Bacula during normal backups without any error
messages. The directory /spool/bacula is owned by bacula:bacula and with
permissions 0750.
I assume that the MySQL database bacula is backed up in this job. If it
is so, I do not worry very much, as there is a cron job run separately,
that backs up the bacula database to an external server.
I'm grateful for any input concerning this problem.
Are you sure it is not defined in your FileSet named "Catalog"?
Hi Josip,
It worked under Bacula 9.0.6. I'm using the same configuration files,
just with tweaks for different paths. The bacula.sql file is defined in
the FileSet named "Catalog" as /spool/bacula/bacula.sql. So it really
should work. I will try an even later version during the weekend.
What is the WorkingDirectory in your bacula-dir.conf? The
make_catalog_backup.pl script writes to bacula.sql file to that directory.
Hi Martin,
The working directory is the same, that is /spool/bacula
There is about 2TB free space in the /spool volume, so that is not the
bottleneck. Probably the bacula.sql file is not created at all, as the
Catalog backup terminates within a few seconds. If I start a regular
backup on the bacula database (mysqldump), it runs for at least a couple
of minutes. At least I assume the bacula.sql file is a backup of the
bacula database. I'm no expert in Perl, so with my little knowledge, it
seems to be the case. Do bacula-dir use the wrong permissions (uid, gid)
when creating the file?
Yes, bacula.sql file is a backup of the bacula database when it works :-)
bacula-dir runs as whatever uid/gid you pass on the command line (you can
check with ps).
I would expect to see any permission errors in the bacula log if
make_catalog_backup.pl fails.
You could edit the make_catalog_backup.pl to print the command by looking for
the line like this:
exec("HOME='$wd' mysqldump -f --opt $args{db_name} >
and adding a copy of this line before the exec line with exec replaced by
Also, make_catalog_backup.pl should create the file /spool/bacula/.my.cnf
containing the MySQL connection details from bacula-dir.conf so check that
these are correct.
Hi Martin,
Problem solved. The working path in make_catalog_backup.pl was hardcoded
to /opt/bacula/working and not assigned from the dbcheck command output.
I just replaced the faulty path with /spool/bacula, and run the catalog
backup without errors.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Best regards,
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